San Cristobal-Palenque road blocked again, San Juan Cancuc-Chilón alternative impassable


There was an alternative via Chanal but problems with Altamirano imprisoning the population

The San Cristóbal de Las Casas – Palenque communication route was in chaos at the height of the indigenous municipality of Ocosingo, impassable due to social conflicts, neither to the capital nor to Villahermosa, while the alternative that the inhabitants of Ocosingo had was via Chanal for problems with Altamirano also closed, while the alternative road they built from San Juan Cancuc – Chilón – Sitalá has become impassable due to the heavy and constant rains of recent weeks.

The population of Ocosingo has had to resist and suffer, some days they face shortages of basic products and fuel, after Hugo Gómez Sántiz, one of the candidates for the municipal presidency of Oxchuc, has come forward to ratify himself as municipal president, after determination of the Electoral Court of the State of Chiapas, to order new elections, the chaos continues.

Residents of Ocosingo, among them, Roxana Magdalena Gordillo Burguete, request attention to the political and social problem of Oxchuc to generate certainty in the municipalities of the area, those affected are not only that territory, but also the population that comes from Tuxtla Gutiérrez, from San Cristóbal de Las Casas, from Ixhuatán, Chilón, Yajalón, Palenque, La Libertad and Catazajá among other municipalities, such as the one that wishes to go to the states of Tabasco and Campeche and other regions of the southeast.

In Ocosingo they regret that the president of the State Congress, María de los Ángeles Trejo Huerta, a native of that place and a member of the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico (PVEM), does not contribute to the solution of the social political conflict in Oxchuc that affects everyone, it is necessary to restore order, security and traffic on the region’s federal highway network, which has not been possible for several months.

Trejo Huerta, municipal trustee in the past municipal administration of Ocosingo, is now president of the Permanent Commission of the State Congress, and last week she approved a point of agreement to urge the Ministry of Public Works to resolve the large sinkhole in the Sayula community in the municipality of Cintalapa, and now they are demanding that they also issue a point of agreement to exhort the corresponding authorities to urgently solve the Oxchuc problem.

The Electoral Court of the State of Chiapas ordered new elections in Oxchuc after approving that the 2021 election process was inconclusive when the general assembly on December 15, which was held in the central square of the municipal seat, was suspended due to acts of violence, activities that would be in charge of the Community Electoral Body, while a municipal council designated by the State Congress must function.

However, the tension persists in the area, the groups that dispute the municipal presidency, Hugo Gómez Sántiz and Enrique Gómez López, do not build agreements and the first was ratified by indigenous communities as municipal president of Oxchuc without the recognition of the state authorities. .

At the height of the indigenous municipality of Ocosingo, impassable due to social conflicts, neither towards the capital, nor towards Villahermosa/Photo: Isaí López | The herald of Chiapas

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