The conflict between Mexico and Panama reached a new level this Saturday


“We will not accept what you don’t want”

The conflict between Mexico and Panama over the appointment of a new ambassador of our country in that nation reached a new level this Saturday.

Panamanian President Laurentino Cortizo demanded respect from his Mexican counterpart, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who questioned the rejection of historian Salmerón’s candidacy.

Before the media, the president of Panama assured us that they will be the ones who decide whether or not we “accept an ambassador” from Mexico.

“The decision of the president of Mexico is the decision of the president of Mexico, the decision of Panama is our decision. We decide whether or not to accept an ambassador, just as they decided to accept ours, who is a very good ambassador”, he emphasized.

Cortizo also supported Foreign Minister Erika Mouynes, who was criticized by President López Obrador for being against Salmerón’s nomination and acting “as if it were the Holy Inquisition.” “The chancellor asked us not to send the approval request,” she detailed.

Given this, the President demanded respect for Panama. “Respect is earned and that is what we demand, both from the president of Mexico and from any other country. We are respectful, and we expect the same from any other country,” he said.

They also reject Jesusa…

This Friday, the Panamanian Alliance for Life and Family expressed its rejection of licensed senator Jesusa Rodríguez by assuring that it goes against the “values ​​on which our nation was founded.”

“We will not accept that everything that is in the way is sent to our country, so we ask that, just as a stalker was rejected, an abortionist, a defender of marijuana, who, in addition, has shown that she has no respect for religious beliefs”, reads a petition addressed to the president of Panama.

For this reason, the Panamanian institution assured that it shares the vision of former President Felipe Calderón, when asking: “But what have the Panamanians done to us, if not treat us well? Why treat us like this?”

He even took up the opinion of former senator Lilly Téllez, who a few days ago criticized the president’s new proposal on her social networks: “What does Panama owe you, Mr. President? First he insults them with Salmerón and now with Jesusa. Panamanians deserve respect, do not underestimate them”.

“Mr. President, Panama, represented by you, is priceless; He does not deserve to be treated with the lack of respect with which Mr. López Obrador intends to continue treating us,” the organization maintained.

They deny approval to Salmerón for harassment

Last Tuesday, President López Obrador reported that Pedro Salmerón, who has allegations of sexual harassment, made available to him the decline of his appointment as Mexican ambassador to Panama.

During the morning press conference, the chief executive revealed that he received a letter from the historian in which, in addition to thanking him for his friendship, Salmerón affirms that the proposal to appoint him as Mexico’s representative in the Central American country unleashed “a media lynching against his person ”, so he offers to take a “sidestep”.

This was after Panamanian Foreign Minister Erika Mouynes will ask the Government of Mexico not to send the approval request to her government, to appoint Pedro Salmerón as Mexican ambassador to her country.

“It turns out that we proposed him for ambassador in Panama and, as if it were the Holy Inquisition, the minister or chancellor of Panama was dissatisfied and asked us not to send the approval request. I am very sorry,” the President said.

In addition, he insisted that there is no formal complaint against the historian and that it is all about a lynching campaign led by Denise Dresser, accusing him of sexual harassment.


Mexico Daily Post