Durango does not compete with Mazatlán, but they are complementary destinations


The state governor accompanied the Secretary of Tourism, Miguel Torruco, to a meeting with tourism entrepreneurs and service providers

Mazatlan, Sinaloa. – During a meeting with tourism businessmen and service providers from both Sinaloa and Durango, Governor Rubén Rocha Moya pointed out that the objective set by his government is for Mazatlán to continue with this rebound in tourism, and take advantage of the proximity between both cities to complement the tourist offer that the city of Durango also offers.

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The state president accompanied the Secretary of Tourism of the Government of the Republic, Miguel Ángel Torruco Marqués, on the second day of his work tour of Sinaloa, which began this Friday in Culiacán and continued in the afternoon here in Mazatlán, and which also It will include the municipalities of Rosario, San Ignacio, and Elota.

In his message, Governor Rocha proposed to the federal official the diversification of the tourist offer, and the Sierra de Sinaloa and the Magical and Stately Towns can be seen within the catalog of points of attraction for ecotourism, mountain sports tourism among others. activities that allow to detonate the economy of the rural area.

In addition, he announced that in the next visit to Sinaloa made by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, which was to take place this month and which he suspended for health reasons, he will request a maintenance program for the Mazatlán-Durango highway, as well such as the support of the federal government to crystallize the USMCA commercial corridor project, which aims to connect the port of Mazatlan with the city of Winnipeg, Canada, passing through the eastern United States, which will become the most expeditious route for Asian trade to North America.

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“This should be a project of four, five billion dollars, which we are talking about 100 billion pesos, it is a very important investment, and this is a project for tourism and business in general, to continue strengthening this Corridor of the North”, said the Sinaloan president.

On the other hand, he indicated that he will support the municipal president Luis Guillermo Benítez Torres, so that Mazatlán continues to rebound in tourism, with the realization of greater urban infrastructure, such as the continuation of paving roads, and referred in particular to Delfín Avenue, extend it from Avenida del Atlántico to the Cerritos-El Habal highway, where there is a wide range of hotels.

Governor Rocha said that private investment is welcome to improve Mazatlán’s tourist offer, as is already done with the new Mar de Cortés Aquarium, currently under construction, and also mentioned other projects that are in their conception stage, such as a regional cruise terminal for the Sea of ​​Cortez itself, with itineraries that include Mazatlán, Los Cabos, Puerto Peñasco, Guaymas, San Blas, and the Marías Islands. He added that another project that could be an excellent attraction for Mazatlan is the construction of a cable car that will take tourists to the top of the lighthouse.

In turn, the Secretary of Tourism, Miguel Torruco, announced that he will give instructions to the Undersecretary of Tourism, Roberto Hernández, so that next week a work table is set up via zoom with the two Secretaries of Tourism of Sinaloa and Durango, with the leaders of the hotel associations of both states and of travel agencies, in order to start with the integration project of the regional product that will be launched shortly, called “Durango-Mazatlán-Islas Marías”.

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Similarly, he announced that SECTUR signed an agreement with Financiera Rural, to offer loans with very accessible interest to rural tourism developers, a proposal that will be taken to this work table with tourism entrepreneurs from Durango and Sinaloa.

In this new work meeting, the governor of Durango, José Rosas Aispuro Torres, attended, who stated that Mazatlán is the quintessential tourist destination for the inhabitants of Durango, since it is the closest beach they have, and therefore, complement each other touristically, since thousands of Sinaloans also like to visit the Durango mountain area, which has the largest forest reserve in Mexico.

The Durango president stressed that Mazatlan and Durango have been linked for a long time, but today this relationship has been strengthened, not only in tourism but also in economic development and public safety.

“I want to take advantage of this meeting to tell the governor of Sinaloa, our friend Dr. Rubén Rocha Moya and the businessmen, that we could sign an agreement that allows us to further promote tourism, considering that we Duranguenses are the main promoters of Mazatlán, Well, in the tourist area we are complementary, that is, we do not compete, there is no competition, on the contrary, we are complementary”, he specified.

This meeting of the governors and the head of SECTUR was also attended by the Secretary of Tourism of Sinaloa, Rosario Torres Noriega, and the welcome was given by the municipal president of Mazatlán, Luis Guillermo Benítez Torres.

Source: nucleoinformativo.mx, reaccioninformativa.com

The Durango Post