It’s not Alaska… Impressive snow falls in Cofre de Perote Veracruz


This year the first snowfall was recorded in the Cofre de Perote National Park, and temperatures dropped to -5 degrees, the images are impressive.

Users of social networks shared the images, and it seems as if it were Alaska or some European country, but no, it happened in our country.

The impressive snowfall appeared this Monday and it is observed how the Cofre de Perote National Park was covered in white. The trees, the road, the cars, all completely white.

The cold front 21 that is stationary in the country has caused a marked drop in temperatures in some states, Veracruz was no exception, so it was the ideal climate for such a spectacular phenomenon to occur.

According to the authorities, the Cofre de Perote National Park will be accessible from 8 in the morning to 3 in the afternoon in the winter season, but if snow falls, access will be restricted.

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According to the weather forecast, very cold temperatures are expected in that region for the next few days, but another snowfall is not contemplated for now, although yes, people should go in thick clothes because the sensation of cold is greater. to what the thermometer indicates.

For its part, the State Civil Protection Secretariat warned of the increase in showers and fog in the area, for which it was urged to drive with caution from the Pánuco basin to the Tonalá River. It was also reported that gusts of cold air will have a speed of 80 to 90 kilometers per hour, so the population was invited to stay warm, especially given the rise in cases of COVID-19.

Perote was not the only area affected, the state of Hidalgo, on its borders with Veracruz and San Luis Potosí, also received heavy rains that affected the Huasteca area.

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If you want to visit this National Park during the snowfall, we recommend that you do it during the months of December and January, which is the season when this phenomenon occurs.

However, all year round it is open to the public for sports walks, hiking and photography.

May be an image of lake, tree and text
May be an image of outdoors and text

Veracruz Daily Post