Survey reveals that Oaxaca is the happiest state in the country


Despite the pandemic, blockades, and daily protests, Oaxaca is the happiest state with the best perception of well-being in Mexico, according to the National Survey of Happiness and Well-being Evaluation, November 2021, carried out by Consultores Arias.

The survey was conducted from November 25 to 30, 2021 by social networks to 14,268 Mexican citizens and revealed that Morelos and Zacatecas were the entities with the worst perception of the lives of their citizens.

Oaxaca stood out not only for increasing the perception of happiness in its state by more than 32.8 percent, but it also managed to rank as the happiest state in all of Mexico.

89.9 percent of its citizens, that is, 9 out of 10 Oaxacans claim to feel happy with their life.

Guerrero and Hidalgo were also one of the states with the highest percentage of perception of happiness, 73.1 percent and 67.8 percent of its inhabitants respectively consider that they feel happy with their life. Contrary to Zacatecas, where only 40.5 percent feel happy, while 48.6 percent consider that they feel neutral and 10.9 percent unhappy.

Tamaulipas is the state with the best quality of life nationwide, 60.7 percent of Tamaulipas rate their quality of life as good, while 36.5 percent rate it as fair and only 2.8 percent as poor.

Morelos was ranked as the entity with the best percentage of a good quality of life, since only 24.5 percent, that is, 1 in 4 citizens qualify their quality of life as well, while the vast majority 62.6 percent qualify it as fair and 12.9 percent bad.

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“Oaxaca, with greater well-being”

The study indicates that this month the well-being of Mexican citizens improved, 44.9 percent evaluated their general well-being as good, 47 percent as fair, and only 8.1 percent as bad.

Oaxaca stood out again, this time for registering the highest percentage of well-being at the national level, 66.9 percent of citizens evaluate their well-being in general as good. It is followed by Tamaulipas with 59.9 percent and Hidalgo with 58.2 percent.

Oaxaca and Tamaulipas were the states that presented the highest percentages in this evolution, while Zacatecas and Morelos were the worst.

He adds that with a favorable increase of more than 1.1 percent, the majority of Mexicans, 53.8 percent say they feel happy considering all aspects of their lives, while 39.9 percent feel neutral and only 6.4 percent feel unhappy. Compared with the previous month, the percentage of unhappy people in the country decreased slightly.


The Oaxaca Post