The ruling party uses the polls to try to cover the sun with a finger and deny that the presidential narrative has polarized Mexico with its daily diatribes of “us against them, against the conservatives.”
True, President López Obrador arrives with an acceptance of 65% and a rejection of 34%, but despite all his efforts, he has not managed to convey that approval to his Party.
Reality reflected by the June elections. Morena and her allies added 47% and 44% their adversaries. The real Mexico was polarized by the binary presidential narrative, like the most recent “it will not move me to the center.”
Strengthen the IMSS, which cannot be postponed
77 years after its founding, the Mexican Social Security Institute has survived crises, political ups and downs, ideological experiments and three presidential alternatives and remains a fundamental pillar factor for the political and social stability of Mexico.
Zoe Robledo, general director of the IMSS assured that the financial viability of the institute is guaranteed for the next twelve years, that is until 2033, but did not report any government plan to extend that term.
No grandiose projects are needed, just well-planned smart investments to strengthen Social Security, and ensure its viability unless by Franciscan austerity they undermine that pillar of Mexico’s political and social stability.
Will state and local police last?
The Secretary of Security and Citizen Protection Rosa Icela Rodríguez defended the policy of “hugs, not bullets” and assure that it has avoided more innocent victims, which is, being generous, an imprecision contradicted by the official figures.
This policy, described by whoever writes this as “laizzes faire”, letting go, letting go, has not reduced criminal violence and, for all practical purposes, has neutralized local and state police in almost all entities, except in the more prosperous.
The selective federalization of security has distorted any effort to strengthen local and state police forces, and worst of all, they are complicating the possibility that there will be better and new police in the Republic. At the time.
Swirling notes
In the discussion about the benefits of increasing minimum wages, sometimes they seem to ignore the opinion of small companies, for which fair increases are usually an onerous burden … Who was charged with pending the authorization of the US regulatory authorities? of Mexico’s purchase of the Deer Park refinery in Texas? The year is almost over and approval is still bogged down … Mrs. Rosario Piedra Ibarra’s dismantling of the CNDH structure makes one wonder if she is following orders or being vindictive … Today the Senate will ratify the presidential appointment of Victoria Rodríguez to be the governor of the Bank of Mexico … Abraham Lincoln gave a warning: “Almost all men can overcome adversity, but if you want to test the character of a man, give him Power” …