Mexico ranks ninth in the world in deaths from ‘selfies’, according to a study


According to the IO Foundation study, 2017 was the year with the most deaths recorded by this type of photograph, with four deaths.

Mexico is in ninth place in deaths caused by taking selfies in dangerous places, according to a study by the IO Foundation, a scientific organization dedicated to the study and control of infectious diseases in the world, emerging zoonoses, and tropical medicine, and of the traveler.

The study indicates that since 2008, the search for extreme ‘selfies’ has killed 379 people in the world. One in three was traveling.

He assures that these photographs have become a public health problem and that the process is “unstoppable.” “From the first images in front of a mirror, the most extreme videos have gone viral,” he warns.

The organization details that the three main causes of death have been falls from heights, means of transport and drowning.

By gender, men are more exposed with 51.2% of deaths, while women accounted for 41.8% of deaths.

“Many of the deaths by ‘selfie’ are the result of tourists taking risks in places they do not know well,” he says, while considering that travel medicine professionals should begin to routinely advise people who travel, about responsible ‘selfies’.

Since 2008 in Mexico, 10 people have died from this type of photography, popularized from the rise of applications to share short videos and photographs with claims of virality, such as Instagram and TikTok.

Of the deaths in our country due to these practices, 20% were due to falls; 70% happened in transportation and in 30% of the cases a weapon was involved.

As for the ages of the deceased, they range from 17 to 21 years old. Two of the deaths occurred in 2014, two in 2018, one in 2019 and one in 2020. However, 2017 was the year with the most deaths recorded by ‘selfies’, with four.

The deaths occurred in the states of Chihuahua, Aguascalientes, San Luis Potosí, Mexico City and Puebla.

“The danger is no longer a component to take into account in order to achieve the most spectacular and surprising self-portrait. More and more young people are risking their lives to get a bit of notoriety on their social networks ”, says the Foundation.

He mentions that these photos not only put the lives of those who take them at risk but those of others and gives as an example the images taken from moving cars or motorcycles.

The 10 countries with the most deaths recorded by ‘selfies’ are:

India: 100 deaths
United States: 39 deaths
Russia: 32 deaths
Pakistan: 21 deaths
Brazil: 17 deaths
Spain: 15 deaths
Australia: 15 deaths
Indonesia: 12 deaths
Mexico: 10 deaths
Bolivia: 7 deaths

The study also identified the 10 most dangerous places for these types of photographs, based on the number of deaths that occurred.

– Niagara Falls (United States and Canada)
– Glen Canyon (United States)
– El Charco del Burro (Colombia)
– Penha Beach (Brazil)
– Miango Falls (Kenya)
– The Ural Mountains (Russia)
– El Taj Mahal and the Doodhpathri Valley (India)
– Nusa Lembongan Island (Indonesia)
– Langkawi Archipelago (Malaysia)


Mexico Daily Post