How safe is Puerto Vallarta? Jalisco human rights report 469 people missing in PV


Of this accumulated number, 404 corresponds to men and 65 to women, so this tourist destination occupies seventh place in the entity

According to Alfonso Hernández Barrón, president of the Jalisco State Human Rights Commission (CEDHJ) and based on the Jalisco Disappearance Victims Information System (Sisovid), 469 people are missing in Puerto Vallarta.

Of this accumulated number, 404 corresponds to men and 65 to women, so this tourist destination occupies the seventh place in the entity.

The list in the state is headed by the city of Guadalajara with more than 2,900 disappeared; Zapopan with 2300; Tlajomulco de Zúñiga with 11,300; Tlaquepaque 1100; Tonalá with 650 and; El Salto with 520, detailed the state ombudsman.

However, Hernández Barrón pointed out that, according to civil organizations, there is an under-registration, so it is estimated that the figure is 5 times higher than the official data.

For this reason, the CEDHJ has issued recommendations in general by and in particular in the 125 municipalities of the entity for the authorities to work on the matter, however, none of the municipalities have complied.


The Guadalajara Post