Yucatecan chef Elio Xicum competes for award in Italy


Vote for Elio Xicum to win the Saint Pellegrino Young Chef award from Italy

MÉRIDA, Yucatan.- In 2019, the Yucatecan chef Elio Xicum began to be noticed when he represented the State in the San Pellegrino Young Chef 2019-2020 contest, an international competition that seeks to promote young talent in gastronomy.

In that contest that was held in Lima, Peru two years ago, Elio was chosen as the Latin American semifinalist, since he won the Fine Dining Lovers subcategory.

By taking this subcategory, Elio went on to the final of the contest, which takes place this year in Milan, Italy.

The dish Nohoch

It should be noted that Elio competes with the Nohoch Ná dish, a Yucatecan tamale, called “colados”, stuffed with turkey gizzards accompanied by a recado negro.

Vote for Elio Xicum in Premios Saint Pellegrino

Elio, 31, a native of Chumayel, hopes to win the international competition to leave the name of Yucatan and Mexico high.

In the section with your name you can vote

You can support him to achieve his dream since the category in which he participates is won by voting, so you can give him your vote at the following link: https://www.sanpellegrinoyoungchef.com/finedininglovers-award 

The voting closes next Sunday, October 24, and the winner will be announced at the Grand Final of the competition in Milan, on Saturday, October 30, 2021.

Source: sipse.com

The Yucatan Post