The printing of labels has a new business sector growing in Mexico


15,887 million labels and stamps for food and beverages were printed by the sector between January and June.

In the first half of 2021, the industry that produces labels and stamps reached a production value of 162.1 million dollars, a figure 19.3 percent higher than that registered in the same period last year, being the highest value and increase reported by the sector since Inegi has registered.

This increase responds to the application of the new Official Mexican Standard 051, relative to the application of black octagons and legends to highlight the content of sugar and sweeteners in food and beverages, a situation that generated an additional expense of these companies for 15 thousand million pesos, according to information from the National Chamber of the Transformation Industry (Canacintra).

In Mexico, companies dedicated to the printing of labels such as PrintPack, Grupo Sánchez, Etiflex, Anro Labels, among others, took advantage of the fact that nine out of 10 products ended up with at least one of the stamps or legends, according to the Mexican Council of the Product Industry Consumption (ConMexico).

This benefited label and stamp printing companies, according to Hiram Cruz, general director of the Mexican Packaging and Packaging Association (AMEE).

“Basically what happened is an inventory issue, some large companies like Nestlé, but also small and medium-sized companies, since they had label inventories, had to use self-adhesive to solve the urgency of complying with the standard, many companies began to plan the label design adding the octagons ”, he said in an interview with El Financiero.

By volume, the industry printed between January and June of this year 15,887 million labels and stamps for food and beverages, 21.2 percent higher than that reported in the same period of last year, being the highest increase and volume since there is registration in INEGI.

In this regard, Ángel Olivas, financial services manager at Canon Mexicana, said that printing companies were making significant investments to have the best quality, seeking to compete for this growing market.

“Today we see many companies obtaining financing to be able to meet the needs of the industry,” he warned.

While Cynthia Díaz, quality coordinator at OCA Global, a firm specialized in inspection and certification, stated that the investment cost for new packaging ranges from two to 20 pesos, because reprinting is included, placing only one label on it. , or, make redesigns that maintain the essence of the product.

Hiram Cruz, the AMEE general director, pointed out that despite the demand, the way the industry operates was not modified, since there is considerable capacity to respond to the high demand.

“They do not bring any additional components to the printing, but they changed designs, they did not have to make a significant change in the operation as such in the elaboration, it was to change the design and print it,” he explained.

The manager said that the increased production of disinfectants, hygiene, and cleaning products due to the coronavirus pandemic, which included the launch of new brands, also raised the demand for labels.

Recycling regulates the supply of packaging

The coronavirus pandemic accelerated the demand for cardboard and plastic in Mexico within the packaging industry, even reaching historical record levels, for which the industry relied on recycling to regularize and increase supply.

In the first semester of 2021, the production of plastic bottles in Mexico reached a value of 13 thousand 765 million pesos, which means an increase of 16.8 percent to that registered in the same period of last year and of 5 percent with compared to the first six months of 2019.

While in cardboard the value reached between January and June of this year was 51 thousand 213 million pesos, 12.7 percent higher than the same period of 2020 and 7.6 percent to 2019.

“It is a complex situation of shortage and let us also remember that what is done in the industry is to promote recycling, it is an interesting topic, and when we talk about the materials that are most recycled such as PET and polyethylenes, those same are used of secondary raw materials ”, highlighted Hiram Cruz from AMEE.

He pointed out that even in the first quarter of 2021 the cost of cardboard increased by up to 15 percent; however, with this strategy and a reactivation of the economy, a greater physical sale in department stores and supermarkets, the value of cardboard stabilized and began to decline slightly.


Mexico Daily Post