It’s official, Miguel Ángel Navarro assumes the governorship of Nayarit


Miguel Ángel Navarro emphasized that Nayarit needs greater participation of the national budget, which it will allocate efficiently, transparently, and with total honesty.

When protesting as constitutional governor of NayaritMiguel Ángel Navarro Quintero, assured that from now on he will seek to convert the entity, from an invisible state to many, to an invincible state so that it can move forward in the face of adversity.

The Nayarit governor thanked Víctor Villalobos, Secretary of Agriculture for Rural Development, who attended the ceremony with the presidential representation, and assured that he has a great friendship with Andrés Manuel López Obrador with whom he agrees in the fight against corruption and inequality.

The Amado Nervo auditorium, in Tepic, Nayarit, was attended by the coordinators of Morena in the Senate and in the Chamber of Deputies, Ricardo Monreal and Ignacio Mier Velazco, respectively, as well as the president of the board of directors of the Chamber of Deputies, Sergio Gutiérrez, and the governors Lorena Cuellar, of Tlaxcala; Carlos Manuel Merino, from Tabasco and Omar Fayad, from Hidalgo.

“Give us a hand, Nayarit needs more budget, I assured them that we are going to handle it with extraordinary efficiency, transparency and honesty. I ask the same of Senator Monreal and my colleagues in the Senate, ”said the president.

Who is Miguel Ángel Navarro Quintero?

Navarro Quintero, 70, is a surgeon specializing in Gynecology. In 2005 he requested a license from the Senate and was a pre-candidate for governor by the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) to compete with Ney González Sánchez, with whom he lost the internal election.

He denounced electoral fraud and demanded the annulment of the process, but given the party’s refusal of his request, on March 10, 2005 he resigned from the PRI and agreed to be a candidate for the Alliance for Nayarit, made up of the PRD, the PT and the Party of the Socialist Revolution, after the decline of the candidate already nominated by that Alliance, Francisco Javier Castellón Fonseca.

Navarro lost the election and a year later he was elected as a federal representative under the principle of proportional representation to the LX Legislature; In 2008, he requested a license to run for the “Together for the Good of All” coalition formed by the PRD and the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico to become mayor of Tepic, an election which he won.

In 2017, he tried again to obtain the government of the entity, this time from the hand of Morena; however, it was not enough for him to win the election against Antonio Echevarría García of the PAN. In 2018, Navarro won the election for senator for Nayarit by the Relative Majority Principle.

Mario Delgado, president of Morena, stressed that there is no better person at the moment to govern Nayarit and that there will be important differences with previous governments because he will govern with honesty, with a lot of closeness to the people and he will team up with the president of the Republic.

“We have a majority in the local Congress, we won the three federal districts and all the conditions are in place to advance in recovering security for Nayarit, in which there is more attention to those who need it most and that this state does well, which is beautiful”, the governor abounded.

Source: OEM

The Nayarit Post