Land use planning for the Mayan zone is published, giving the green light for the Mayan Train and the airport in Tulum


Growth in housing and other services is anticipated for the Military City, which is planned together with the air terminal. The projection contemplates an increase of 30% of the local population in a period of 5 to 7 years. 

Quintana Roo.- The Municipal Program for Territorial, Ecological and Sustainable Urban Development (PMOTEDUS) of the municipality of Felipe Carrillo Puerto (FCP) was published this Wednesday in the Official State Newspaper, which already provides for the construction of the station and the urban growth coupled with the Mayan Train, as well as the Tulum International Airport

Joel Ciau, director of urban development of the FCP city council, announced that the document, at the request of the National Fund for the Promotion of Tourism, assigns the corresponding land use focused on infrastructure on around 2,400 hectares to the north of the municipality, where the new air terminal. 

” Fonatur mentioned to us what these projects (the airport and the Mayan Train) require to generate this municipal ordinance,” said the official. 

It is anticipated, he said, growth in housing and other services for the Military City that is planned together with the air terminal

In fact, he announced that the document foresees an increase of 30% of the local population in a period of 5 to 7 years. 

Currently, the municipality’s population is 83,990 people, but it will grow rapidly due to the services that the new port and rail infrastructure will require, he added.  

Regarding the Mayan Train, he stated that the document designates a commercial and infrastructure land use over an area of ​​around 600 hectares for the station and subsequent urban development around the Mayan Train. 

He clarified that contrary to the rumors, the official information that Fonatur provided to the city council is that the train will have a single station in FCP and not two as had been released a few weeks ago. 

The use of commercial land assigned to the areas of influence of the Mayan Train, he said, aims to benefit the local population as artisans or producers of the field so that they can offer their products to tourism that will travel through the railroad, in addition, that the agricultural production of the municipality can be mobilized, as he recalled that the train will offer cargo service. 

It is, he said, the first urban planning instrument that the municipality of Felipe Carrillo Puerto has. 

What the document says

A query to the PMOTEDUS published yesterday in the Official State Newspaper reads that “planning conditions… can benefit seven nodal population centers spread throughout the municipal territory, which are the following: Felipe Carrillo Puerto (municipal seat) ; Tihosuco; Chunhuhub; Lord, Santa Isabel; Noh Bec; Muyil and José María Pino Suárez. 

Another extract from the document states that “some external actors could modify the growth trends (of the municipality). On the one hand, the Tren Maya Comprehensive Development Project could rearrange the population of the various localities and reduce emigration. 

“However, this infrastructure will be present in various municipalities in the region, which limits the likelihood of regional immigration concentrated in Felipe Carrillo Puerto, although, of course, it does not eliminate it. On the other hand, the location of a new airport could orient new settlements with new inhabitants towards the limits between Felipe Carrillo Puerto and Tulum ”. 

The document divides the territory of FCP into nodal population centers for general and tourist services (localities A); nodal population centers of general services (localities B), and nodal population centers with relevant environmental or cultural values ​​(localities C).

Type A population centers are envisaged as nodes of general and tourist services with a vocation to house urban and tourist infrastructure; type B would be general service nodes of different hierarchy, susceptible to housing transport infrastructure oriented to their inhabitants, while type C population centers would constitute possible destinations for ecological and cultural tourism to the extent of the interest and organizational capacity of local actors various.


The Cancun Post