Fonatur announces that Mérida would be left without a Mayan Train station


The agency announced that it contemplates that the railway system station in Mérida will be located in the Teya area, 60km from the original project.

The Mayan Train project in Mérida was modified since for the moment, it has been decided not to start the construction of the La Plancha station, the National Tourism Promotion Fund (Fonatur) reported on Tuesday.

The agency explained in a statement that it contemplates that the railway system station for the city will be located in the Teya area, about 60 kilometers from Mérida.

“Such determination was made from an analysis whose results show that to make the construction time of the project more efficient, it was necessary to modify the route since problems in construction and mobility issues within the city must be avoided”, justified Fonatur.

The commitment, assured by the agency in charge of Rogelio Jiménez Pons, is to deliver the system in 2024, a situation that must occur through the efficient use of time and resources. 

“The current administration will integrate the projects around the station located in the polygon known as La Plancha, as well as the secondary works that were contemplated in this area, for their consideration and possible construction in the coming years by the corresponding authorities,” he explained. .

A week ago, Fonatur announced that the Mayan Train route will no longer pass through the city of Campeche, but through the periphery, which will generate savings in the total cost of the work of more than 2,000 million pesos.

“The roads will no longer enter the city center. The station will be built in the periphery, on the outskirts of the urban area, ”the agency reported at the time.

Rogelio Jiménez Pons, head of Fonatur, pointed out a week ago that this decision was made as a result of an analysis of costs and time that the relocation process would take, so the new route of the Mayan Train will allow economic and time, which are important to the project.

“It was decided to build the roads parallel to the Pablo García and Montilla peripheral, locating the station near the airport. In addition, the construction of bus stops near the city of San Francisco de Campeche is being contemplated ”, he indicated.


The Yucatan Post