Mazatlan is on orange alert for Nora! CP asks to restrict night activity, closure of navigation and beaches


The meteorological phenomenon is forecast to begin to leave heavy rains from the early hours of this Sunday and will be located at noon 40 kilometers from the coast of Mazatlán.

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- According to the report of the Local Meteorological Service, hurricane “Nora” is at the height of Cabo Corrientes, Jalisco and it is forecast that for tomorrow Sunday from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. it will be located 40 kilometers off the coast of Mazatlán.

The person in charge of the Mazatlán Meteorological Service, Hugo Nordahl Valdés predicts that rains are expected during the early hours of Sunday, and with greater intensity during the day as the meteorological phenomenon progresses through Pacific Mexico.

Even in the Session of the Local Committee for Emergency Attention, “Nora” is expected to impact between the northern area of ​​Sinaloa and southern Sonora.

“For tomorrow Sunday, or at noon between 11 and 1 in the afternoon,” Nora “will be located 40 km from here from our Port of Mazatlán, so we expect heavy rains and winds that could exceed 90 kilometers per hour, already that its proximity, because it puts us within the gusts of its winds that could be very strong and rains are expected that we could have accumulated up to 250 in the State as it progresses “, explained Hugo Nordalth, head of the Local Meteorological Service of Mazatlán .

In the session, the coordinator of Civil Protection, Eloy Ruiz Gastélum specified that southern Sinaloa is on a yellow alert due to the approach of the meteorological phenomenon but it does not take long to turn orange; and therefore, three temporary shelters are enabled to be used if necessary.

In this vein, the local official called on the population to take shelter, not to go out when the rains occur and if they live near the banks of the Jabalines stream, seek support with a family member or request help from a PC to be placed in a safe place to prevent any eventuality.

Also, Civil Protection recommended restricting nighttime activities in the city, talking about bars, restaurants and nightclubs, as well as the rent of Razer because it occupies a municipality with the least possible mobility.

In fact, in the presence of “Nora”, 17 communities downstream are in danger because the “Picachos” dam is at its maximum capacity.

For its part, the system for the Integral Development of the Family is on alert through eight groups to act if necessary and also has 500 mattresses, 350 bedspreads, and a large amount of food; 100 cleaning kits, and 100 personal cleaning kits.

Likewise, the Port Captaincy urged the maritime community to put the smaller vessels ashore and the decision was made to close the port to navigation from 00:00 hours.

The Local Committee for Emergency Attention will meet again on Sunday at 08:00 hours to monitor the meteorological phenomenon “Nora”.

Due to hurricane 'Nora', there are 128 shelters in the state

Due to hurricane ‘Nora’, there are 128 shelters NOW OPEN in the state

Different state authorities met to coordinate preventive actions against the passage through the coasts of Sinaloa and the possible effects of rains and strong winds, especially in the communities of the coastal areas and valleys of the entity

Due to the presence of hurricane “Nora” in the Pacific, an extraordinary session of the State Civil Protection Council was held, chaired by the Secretary-General of the Government, Gonzalo Gómez Flores to coordinate the actions preventive measures before the passage through the coasts of Sinaloa and the possible effects of the rains and strong winds, especially in the communities of the coastal areas and valleys of the entity.

The director of the North Pacific Basin of CONAGUA, José Luis Montalvo Espinoza, explained that the forecast of the trajectory of hurricane “Nora”, so far does not mark a direct impact on Sinaloan territory, however during its journey to the Gulf of California, is expected to leave heavy rains of 50 to 150 millimeters, so all preventive measures must be taken, he added that the effects of rainfall could be felt from Saturday afternoon in the southern area, being Sunday and Monday when the strongest effects are expected in the central and northern zones.

For his part, the Director of the State Civil Protection Institute, Juan Francisco Vega Meza, reported that the areas of possible flooding have already been detected, in order to transfer the affected population to the 128 first response shelters throughout the state with a capacity for more than 50 thousand people, with all the measures and protocols to avoid COVID-19 infections.

Vega Meza, stressed that with this extraordinary meeting of the Civil Protection Council, which brings together the heads of the state secretariats, municipal presidents, SEDENA, SEMAR, National Guard, as well as aid and rescue groups, it is to continue strengthening the measures of prevention and the coordination that must exist between the three levels of government during the preliminary, rescue and reconstruction phases in the face of a natural phenomenon.

The State Council of Civil Protection, remained in permanent session to continue monitoring the evolution of hurricane “Nora”, in order to take the necessary measures in relation to the suspension of activities in due course.


The Mazatlan Post