Proof of vaccination will continue to be mandatory in Mazatlan


The Federation of Chambers of Commerce reiterated that this measure seeks to maintain sanitary control and reduce the chain of infections

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- The request for the Covid-19 certificate in shops in Mazatlán remains firm and as a requirement for customers to enter, since there is no new provision on the part of the authority, said Miguel Hernández Fonseca.

The president of the Federation of National Chambers of Commerce in Sinaloa indicated that beyond the order of a judge to a person, the vaccination card has become a fundamental document and health should not be neglected due to the economic issue.

 We will continue to support this initiative to continue requesting citizens for the vaccination certificate, without entering into a legal issue, that this corresponds to the lawyers, we have information that there are some courts that issued the ruling against that protection, and other courts that they issued it in favor, ”he said.

He recalled that throughout Sinaloa awareness talks have been held with members of the chambers, inviting them to be vaccinated within the workforce and then an invitation is made to tourists and locals to have their certificate, because that inspires confidence.

Hernández Fonseca highlighted that in the state 21 thousand companies are affiliated with the Chambers of Commerce of which 14 thousand 371 correspond to the southern zone.

“There are 18 municipalities and in several they are asking for vaccination certificates, apart from the legal controversy, we are making an invitation and supporting the initiatives of municipal governments so that a greater number of people are vaccinated and thus be able to stop the chain of infections that fortunately have declined in recent days, “he said.

He insisted that the certificate is one more requirement in sanitary filters, in addition to wearing the mask, the use of antibacterial gel and maintaining a healthy distance.


The Mazatlan Post