UFOs and Aliens once again protected Tampico against a hurricane say the locals (videos)


The Tampico port has positioned itself in the crosshairs of Internet users during the morning of this Saturday

The hashtag Tampico (#Tampico) has become a national trend during the first hours of this Saturday, August 21, after the impact of Grace as a category 4 hurricane on the coasts of Veracruz.

Believe in UFOs

Our city has monopolized the spotlight because many Tampicans and Maderenses have attributed that Hurricane Grace did not make landfall in this port due to the presence of UFOs and aliens in Miramar beach.

For years and after cyclone Hilda, in 1955, the region has not received the impact of any meteorological phenomenon of a similar magnitude and the urban legend that there is even an alien city in the depths of Miramar beach, Ciudad Madero, was reinforced after the diversion of Hurricane Gilberto, in 1988, which ended up hitting Nuevo León.

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Although it is a tradition among many of the residents of Tampico and Ciudad Madero to thank “the Martians” for preventing these kinds of storms from devastating the region, the truth is that Civil Protection of Tamaulipas explained on this occasion that Grace could not make landfall in the southern zone due to the presence of an anticyclone positioned to the north.


Believing or not in extraterrestrial life, as well as its presence on the beaches of Tamaulipas is a very personal matter. There are those who take it as a joke, others more as a reality that we cannot yet witness; In midst of all there are also those who see it as the opportunity to start from food businesses, merchandise such as shirts, hats, and even beers inspired by the “aliens of Tampico”.

The truth is that it is an urban legend that continues to gain strength and each time attracting tourists who seek to spot UFOs.

Tamaulipas Post