During July, the average approval of the 32 governors of Mexico remained at 48.8%, according to theĀ #RankingMITOFSKY Chapter: Governors of Mexico, a survey conducted month by month since November 2019.Ā
In this measurement, Mauricio Vila from YucatĆ”n, Quirino Ordaz from Sinaloa, Miguel Riquelme from Coahuila and Francisco DomĆnguez from QuerĆ©taro keep in the first four positions, while Jaime Bonilla from Baja California is placed in fifth position, displacing Carlos to sixth place. Mendoza Davis from southern Baja California.Ā Diego Sinuhe RodrĆguez de Guanajuato is ranked number seven and Claudia Sheinbaum, Head of Government of CDMX, is ranked eighth.Ā
Jaime RodrĆguez from Nuevo LeĆ³n, Francisco Javier Cabeza de Vaca from Tamaulipas, Javier Corral from Chihuahua, Ignacio Peralta from Colima and Antonio EchevarrĆa from Nayarit, are the five governors with the least approval.Ā
The governors who increased their approval the most, compared to June are MartĆn Orozco from Aguascalientes (+4.5);Ā Rutilio EscandĆ³n from Chiapas (+3.3);Ā Jaime Bonilla from Baja California (+3.0);Ā Miguel Barbosa from Puebla (+2.3) and Antonio EchevarrĆa from Nayarit (+2.1).
The PRI remains with the best-approved governors on average (50.6%), followed by the governors of Morena, approved on average by 50.1%, while the PAN governors are approved on average with 48.6%.
Source: consulta.mx