“We are afraid”: Magdalena de Kino, from magical town to ghost town


In anonymity, a resident of Magdalena recounts the fear that they live day by day, before the series of armed confrontations, fires, and the presence of hitmen

The sound of the firearm bursts took the tranquility of the inhabitants of the Magdalena de Kino municipality, Sonora, since the confrontations between the drug traffickers have not ceased for six days. The streets were filled with lead, the establishments closed their doors early and the residents remained in their homes to protect themselves from the various shootings.

Some years ago a woman migrated to Sonora to settle in a safer place to live; He came to Magdalena with his family in search of better opportunities, however, he found a place where drug trafficking has taken over people’s dreams.

“Yes, the situation has been complicated, it is a magical town, which should mean that it is quiet, the people are helpful, hard-working, but lately it has been difficult because insecurity is the order of the day, you go out in the morning with the blessing of God for not finding you with a drug car, showing the best face despite the circumstances, we have had to live it nearby, in the square, at home, ”he anonymously mentioned El Sol de Hermosillo.

At 7:00 in the morning, the woman walks daily to her work while noticing how the shops are closed, the lonely streets and only the singing of the animals is heard, when she reaches her place she stands behind the counter and the bullets start, from the inside you can hear the cries of anguish from the people around.

“It is something that had not been seen in Magdalena, as a people we all lose, this situation is very scary, that you have to be in a workplace, go out and not know where to turn, go in a hurry so as not to meet a hitman who I’m going to pick you up, a colleague left her daughters alone at home and there was a shooting nearby, it was very difficult not to be able to help her, we couldn’t go out, ”she said with a broken voice.

Every day the risk of walking in the streets increases, people continue to work despite the situation, they need to bring their livelihood home, there have been six days of terror in the municipality, the first sound they hear when they wake up is not birds singing but that of the bursts of fire.

“We have had to attend to people in the business, we run the risk that something happens to us, the situation is very bad, we are very afraid of meeting a truck of the hitmen back, a few months ago I ran into one and they stared at me, but they saw me in my work uniform and left, I was very scared, “he said.

Last weekend, July 24 and 25, the establishments closed their doors from 11:30 in the morning due to the fear caused by witnessing the confrontations that took place around the corner, the square was lonely, not there were visitors, they all took shelter in their homes and prayed for their lives.

“Rumors have been heard that a civilian died from a stray bullet, he was walking and touched him, but we do not know more about the subject, sometimes he gets a bit calm but people, mainly the vendors, are waiting in case something happens to return to close everything and take shelter, it is a bit calm because they say they went to Imuris, but they will continue to be stronger, we find out from the people who have ties with these people, they warn them and people begin to take action on the matter ” he explained.

Faced with this situation, the woman, who requested anonymity, urged support for the authorities and return security to the inhabitants of the municipality.

Walking through the streets has become a danger, fear has taken hold of people, tranquility no longer exists as do the visitors of what was a pride of Sonora, a magical town full of history and beautiful things for offer.

Magdalena de Kino is visited by tourists for its culture, its crafts, and especially because there is the temple of Santa María Magdalena, an emblematic place for the followers of Father Francisco Eusebio Kino, one of the main missionaries of the northern area of ​​Sonora. .

Source: elsoldemexico.com.mx

The Sonora Post