In a survey carried out by El Universal, parents criticize AMLO’s repeated announcement that “it rains, thunders or lightning”, they will return to face-to-face classes on August 30; they refuse and ask that he and the SEP reconsider
AMLO: There will be a return to face-to-face classes in August; “There is nothing to prevent it”
Wait two to six months after the third wave of COVID-19 decreases or the certainty you have vaccination for children and girls under 12 years, is the requirement of parents in Mexico for President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, who once again reiterated that “whether it rains, thunders or lightning, the face-to-face classes will begin on August 30” as set out in the 2021-2022 School Calendar.
In a survey conducted by El Universal, the responses regarding the times set for the return to the classrooms were greater than the acceptance of what AMLO has reiterated in recent days.
42.9% of those surveyed throughout Mexico believed that they should wait at least six months before ensuring a return to face-to-face classes; 36.4% indicated that they do not have confidence for the process to be carried out since today the greatest impact of infections is occurring among young people and children; September 28 said they have little certainty of the process and only 10.3 percent said yes, go ahead and be calm.

It was on March 23, 2020, when the government of the Republic through the SEP ordered the suspension of face-to-face classes in our country as a preventive measure to reduce the impact of the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic; Between April and May, the Community Learning Centers were opened, which in July closed again due to the registration of the third wave of infections.

In the current month, important data have been reported regarding infections and even deaths of minors by COVID-19, which arrived with the Delta variant, classified as highly contagious and that affects those people who remain unvaccinated.
At the moment there is no information that indicates that the vaccine for children under 12 years of age will arrive soon since just a few days ago the notice was launched that the Moderna pharmaceutical company has approved the biological for this age range, but we still need to know what countries will accept it and even more, the times of shipment, distribution, and vaccination.
In the beginning, it was indicated that the anti-COVID-19 immunization would be established as part of the national vaccination scheme for boys and girls, but so far the Ministry of Health has not made it official.
For this reason, the parents emphasized the “You know what, AMLO? NO”! and they prefer that online classes continue before their children suffer the ravages of contagion or future consequences from COVID-19.
“I’d rather have another 16 months with my child at home than stay without him for life” expressed parents who oppose and reproach the President of Mexico for letting his statements go so lightly when he better than anyone He knows that the conditions are not appropriate and that despite the announcements that “the pandemic was being tamed,” it proved to be stronger and that it is the one who tames not only Mexico but the world.