Do you want to adopt a puppy? Follow these accounts in Mexico


Changing a life is in your hands (and we are sure that a puppy will also change yours). Responsible adoption is one of the greatest acts of love and in Mexico, there are more than 23 million dogs, of which 70% are on the streets and we are the first place in Latin America with the largest population of stray dogs.

“Human beings are experts at avoiding confronting uncomfortable truths. We don’t want to know where the food we eat or the animals we buy comes from, because we know that there is great suffering behind it ”, explains Ryan Cosgaya, founder of Animal Shepherd, who invites us to avoid buying in breeders, pet stores and better adopting.

When you buy a dog or cat you enter a cycle of abuse that never ends, you also promote the exploitation of animals, especially females, because their fertility is exploited for entire days … cycle after cycle. 

These are some of the Instagram accounts where you can meet puppies for adoption

Canine Shelter Cookie

There are more than 100 dogs in a shelter, looking for a permanent home, located in the state of Morelos.

Teté Tlaxcala Foundation

It has been created to help abandoned dogs and cats find a home within the state of Tlaxcala.


They help rescuers find families for their dogs and cats. If you want to adopt there are more than 800 on their website. They are not a refuge, but a means of streamlining adoption.

Animal Shepherd

This sanctuary helps animals to rehabilitate, recover and also looks for a house for the dogs that need it, learn more here.

The house of the mestizo

They rescue and rehabilitate abandoned and mistreated dogs, you can find their adoption format on the Instagram account.

Adopt a friend

They are independent rescuers who seek to change the lives of unprotected animals.

Adopt an Angel

It is a platform for independent rescuers who seek to publish their rescued and in this way, find homes for them, they are in Mexico City.

Remember that adopting a puppy is a great responsibility, you must educate him, feed him, play with him, take him to the vet and give him lots of love. Once you are completely convinced that you have one more member in your family, research the adoption requirements. Remember that for your dogs you are their whole world.

adopt a puppy

Feel Free to add your local shelter in Mexico on comments below


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