An alleged criminal was about to be lynched in Xicohtzinco, Tlaxcala


An alleged criminal who was subdued by the inhabitants of Tlaxcala was almost lynched to death.

Xicohtzinco, Tlaxcala.- On the morning of this Tuesday, July 13, in the municipality of Xicohtzinco, Tlaxcala, an alleged thief was captured by inhabitants of the area, who gave him a severe beating.

The events took place at 06:30 a.m. a few blocks from the Municipal Presidency, where an intense mobilization was unleashed immediately as this is not a usual event in the town of Xicohtzinco.

Tlaxcala, Mexico

First reports indicate that the detainee is around 35 years old, was tied to a metal tube, where locals repeatedly attacked and insulted him.

Agents of various corporations came to the place, who were in charge of rescuing him, and then place him under arrest to later transfer him to the facilities of the Attorney General’s Office of the State of Tlaxcala (PGJE).

Source: El Sol de Tlaxcala

Tlaxcala Post