The Government of Jalisco announces that as of August 1, vehicles with license plates ending in 7 must begin with the process.
After more than four years of not being mandatory, the vehicle verification program for private cars will be applied again while there are only three verification centers in operation.
The Government of Jalisco announced that as of August 1, car owners whose license plates end in 7 must comply with the procedure, the cost of verification is 500 pesos and rises to 550 if it becomes untimely.
The implementation of the new verification model was suspended since the last state administration, in 2017. The current administration made adjustments and launched the Responsible Verification Program (PVR) that included the bidding and authorization of new verification centers and the creation of the Comprehensive Emissions Regulation Agency (AIRE) in charge of operating the scheme.
The verification of private cars is resumed with only three verification centers in operation. There are currently only 12 verification lines running; 2 at the AIRE Center, located at Magisterio street number 1230; another 2 at the Official Measurement Center on Enrique DÃaz de León Norte avenue number 1215; a line in the Mobile Review Unit and 7 of the Dekra Responsible Verification Center located on Carretera Los Altos number 1510 in Tlaquepaque; This is the only private service that already provides service.
The state authority said that 98 more lines are in the process of construction, which they claim guarantees service capacity.
Will fines apply if the vehicle verification is not fulfilled?
Penalties for failure to verify will apply until 2022 and their amount will be defined in state income law; last year, when it was intended to start the program, they were screened at around 12,673 pesos.
The new verification model began last year with the review of official cars that did not reach the entire fleet and 7 thousand cars have been examined; in October of last year it was announced that they would begin with the review of taxis and cars of Transport Network Companies, but the calendar was postponed; In your case, they will also begin on August 1 with the cars with license plates in 3 and 4.
Car verification by appointment
The Secretary of the Environment and Territorial Development, Sergio Graf, reported that the guidelines and official calendar for the rest of the plate completions will be published this Saturday in the Official State Newspaper; They can be consulted at where you will have to make the appointment and pay before going to carry out the procedure.
Official calendar for vehicle verification of individuals
They are defined as motor vehicles used to transport people or objects to satisfy the personal needs of their owners or legal holders.
Plate completion Months
7 August-September 2021
8 September-October 2021
9 October-November 2021
0 November-December 2021
1 January-February 2022
2 February-March 2022
3 March-April 2022
4 April-May 2022
5 May-June 2022
6 July-August 2022
Schedule for vehicle verification of intensive use
Vehicles destined to the service of a commercial negotiation for utilitarian activities, distribution, route coverage, as well as those that constitute or have been designed as a work vehicle.
Plate termination Months
3 and 4 August-September 2021
5 and 6 September-October 2021
7 and 8 October-November 2021
9 and 0 November-December 2021
1 and 2 January-February 2022
3 and 4 February-March 2022
5 and 6 March -April 2022
7 and 8 April- May 2022
9 and 0 May-June 2022
1 and 2 July-August 2022
The Guadalajara Post