For alleged fraud of 200 million pesos, Grupo Elima is reported to the Sinaloa Prosecutor’s Office


Culiacán, Sinaloa.- Citizens of different municipalities in Sinaloa reported Grupo Elima to the Prosecutor’s Office for alleged fraud, breach of trust, threats, kidnappings, and breaches of financial contracts said one of those affected.

The person who also claims to be a victim and omitted his name for security reasons, accused that this business group dedicated itself to defrauding many people with its various companies, through which it managed loans, they asked for half of those credits to enter the resource to the international stock market and thus generate returns and that the loan is paid with that resource.

In addition, he said, they organized social events such as Quinceañeras, weddings, among others, requesting the money one year in advance allegedly to invest it and generate returns so that the event would supposedly be cheaper, but these contracts were never fulfilled.

He indicated that this company owes more than 200 million pesos to different people not only from Sinaloa, but from other states where they operate such as Culiacán, Hermosillo, Mochis, Guadalajara, and Monterrey.

He declared that since December of last year there are lawsuits before the Prosecutor’s Office, which have not advanced with agility, so he called on the corresponding authorities to act in these cases.