Gabriel Quadri: Mexico would be a power house and better off if I had governed it


The candidate of the PRI-PAN-PRD alliance for a federal deputation, Gabriel Quadri, assured that if he had managed to reach the Presidency of the Republic in 2012, the country would be a power.

“Very different. It would be a prosperous, sustainable, modern, democratic, free country, an emerging power, ”Quadri said, referring to what Mexico would be like if it had governed it.

What happened? In an interview for the Tragaluz program, he assured that the country is on the verge of a “retro-populist dictatorship” and that the alliance is the only strong opposition he sees against the Morena government.

He said he was willing to join the PAN and said that the party trusts him, he also said that he sympathized with Ricardo Anaya, although by 2024 he could also seek the Presidency.