Mazatlan beach property owners and businesses will pay a higher property tax


Alarcón Lizárraga explained that Mazatlán is one of the ports that receives the least money in the collection of this tax, because compared to other ports such as Cancun, Los Cabos or Puerto Vallarta, which charge between 200 thousand and 400 thousand, in Mazatlán 12 are paid millions of pesos

Mazatlán, Sinaloa. – After approving the new Census and Delimitation of the Federal Maritime Terrestrial Zone of Mazatlán, Jesús Javier Alarcón Lizárraga, Treasurer of the city council, declared that the annual payment to the owners of cadastral tax that make use of said area of their properties or businesses.

The official explained that with this new census it will be possible to register new buildings and measure again the space used by businesses that are already making use of the coastal area of ​​the port, so that if they use more of the federal land, the higher the charge will be.

“Maybe we are going to charge more with the new delimitation that Semarnat is going to make, we have already made the agreement in which they are going to enter to make the new delimitations, maybe there are polygons there in which or they are going to pay us from more or they will pay us less, it depends on how they have been, “he said.

Casas en venta en Mazatlan, Sinaloa

Under the same premise, Alarcón Lizárraga explained that Mazatlán is one of the ports that receives the least money in the collection of this tax, because compared to other ports such as Cancun, Los Cabos or Puerto Vallarta, which charge between 200 thousand to 400 thousand, 12 million pesos are paid in Mazatlán.

“We have a ridiculous low fee compared to the large tourist centers such as Cancun, Los Cabos, Vallarta, if we are charging 12 million pesos, do you know how much Los Cabos charges? 200 thousand, Vallarta like 200,000 Cancun like 400,000 … look at all that income that we are stopping collecting”, said the official.

“What happens is that it is not the same, they are tourist ports with larger infrastructure and apart also with another type of tourism”, justified Alarcón Lizárraga.

Playas en Zona Dorada Mazatlán

What is the Federal Maritime Terrestrial Zone?

The Federal Maritime-Terrestrial Zone is the twenty-meter-wide strip of dry land, passable and adjacent to the beach.

Now, in order to understand it better, we must know that the beach is the parts of land that, due to the effect of the tide, cover and reveal the water. (art. 7 ° fraction IV of the General Law of National Assets).

Likewise, when the coast lacks beaches and has rocky formations or cliffs, the Secretariat will determine the federal maritime-terrestrial zone within a 20-meter strip contiguous to the marine coastline, only when the inclination in said strip is 30 degrees or less in Continuous form. (Art. 4 of the Regulation for the use and exploitation … of the ZOFEMAT …).

The verification of the use, exploitation and exploitation of the ZOFEMAT, maritime beaches and land reclaimed from the sea, administered by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT), is attribution of PROFEPA and is strategic due to the large extension of coastlines with which the country counts, as well as the wealth of its natural resources and the importance of the ecosystems it houses.

The profile of the coast is represented below when there is a federal maritime land zone.

zofemat profile

On the other hand, it is also important to know what land reclaimed from the sea is, since the verification of its use is also the responsibility of PROFEPA. Thus, it is the land area between the limit of the new Federal Maritime-Terrestrial Zone and the limit of the original Federal Maritime-Terrestrial Zone, in accordance with article 125 of the General Law of National Assets. ( NOM-146-SEMARNAT-2005 )

profile of land reclaimed from the sea

If your property is within limitations by law you have to pay a right to use tax


The Mazatlan Post