Earthquakes shake Sinaloa


The first earthquake reported by the National Seismological Service this Sunday, June 20, was at 4:42 in the morning, while the second was at 4:11 in the afternoon, local time

The National Seismological Service reported that the earthquake was 4.3 degrees on the Richter Scale and had an epicenter 95 kilometers west of the municipality of Ahome.

Likewise, the agency specified that this telluric movement occurred at 5:11 p.m. (Central time), with a depth of 9 kilometers.

So, if you felt that your chair moved, got dizzy or noticed something strange, it was surely because of the earthquake that could have been perceptible to the population.

Meanwhile, through Twitter, the coordination of Civil Protection in Sinaloa, indicated that “so far” there is no record of effects by this earthquake of 4.3 magnitude.

It should be noted that the first earthquake reported this June 20 had a greater magnitude, 4.6 degrees, and was registered with a difference of around 12 hours, at 5:42 in the morning (Central time) 86 kilometers west of Ahome.


The Mazatlan Post