Hotel staff reportedly tried to “hide” the case by not reporting it to the 911 emergency service
They saved his life, but he lost his leg. The foreign minor who was attacked by a crocodile on the night of June 18, suffered the amputation of his leg due to the serious injuries caused by the saurian.

The attack occurred yesterday at kilometer 21.5 of the Cancun hotel zone, around 9 p.m.
Witnesses indicated that the unfortunate incident occurred inside the Club Med tourist complex, where the boy, between 8 and 10 years old, was attacked by a crocodile approximately 3 meters long, which after grabbing him with its jaws, tried to take him to the mangrove.
fortunately, the screams of the family scared the saurian which allowed his rescue and subsequent transfer to a private hospital.
However, it emerged that hotel staff tried to handle the accident discreetly, without notifying authorities.
Unofficially, it was learned that the tourist complex does not have signs that announce the presence of crocodiles and does not have surveillance personnel in the areas.
The minor was taken to a private clinic in the center of the city for medical attention, where his health condition was first reported as delicate.
However, hours later it was revealed that due to the injury he suffered, his leg had to be amputated.
It will be the corresponding authorities who investigate this case and define responsibilities.