Mérida historic canteens forced to close due to new covid restrictions


Given the mobility restrictions and, where appropriate, the closure of establishments, state bartenders have announced that if they close, as instructed by the State Government, it would be a definitive closure, so they ask for a dialogue with the local authorities to reach agreements and that they are not affected.

Said Farah Ceh, the owner of El Cardenal, commented in an interview that they would not endure one more closure and, like his case, there are dozens of more people who are in charge of an establishment of this type and who do not have enough resources to support themselves by a period with the doors closed.

“We were just seeing the light on the moderate road in the economy, but if we close, we can no longer bear it. At El Cardenal we were complying with the measures they asked us to operate with a restaurant license and now they can’t blame us. We had eight months open and they had not reported an upturn in infections but it was the last two or three weeks, “she said.

Like other voices from business chambers, Said indicated that they know of massive events that took place as a result of political campaigns, so the bartender and restaurant sector are not responsible for the increase in coronavirus infections (Covid-19).

“We have complied with all sanitary measures, they have come to visit us to supervise and they have never told us anything, we do not have a warning,” she emphasized.

Although she said he understood the concern of the authorities, wanted to make it clear that they are not ignoring the existence of a pandemic but rather suggest that strategies be implemented so that they can continue working and thus, the families that depend on these establishments continue earning income.

“If they don’t let us work on how we are going to survive. Throughout the pandemic, we have not been mentioned as canteens, in fact, we had to get together some of us to provisionally process a restaurant license, but we pay for that on a monthly basis, “she said.

She explained that for this to be possible, they had to adapt their facilities and thus comply with the protocols and be able to work, but so far everything they have done has not been enough.

“We are in limbo, we are not considered in some important turn when we are a tourist and cultural attraction and above all, generators of employment,” she said.

In this sense, he added that suppliers of ice, cleaning material, and meat, for example, are also affected, so they would not be the only establishments affected, but it would be a side effect.

Along with this positioning, the La Negrita cantina also shared through its social networks the impact that these measures entail.

“It is unfair that our economy is affected due to the lack of co-responsibility of the State Government, it is pointed out to us to be one of the motivations for the cases of Covid-19 to have increased in Yucatan, however, we have worked for almost eight months without this rebound that has clearly appeared after the electoral campaigns, ”they published.

Thursday the new restrictions come into force in Yucatan

Este jueves entran en vigor las nuevas restricciones en Yucatán – Yucatán a  la mano

Given the sustained increase for 3 weeks of the contagion of Covid-19, the health sector announced new restrictions on vehicular circulation and reduction of capacity at events.

In addition, the Secretary of Health, Mauricio Sauri Vivas, reported that there is a suspicion of a new strain of Covid in Yucatán but did not clarify which one.

It will be from this Thursday, June 10, that the restriction on mobility will return, which will focus on avoiding infections. It can only be circulated until 11:30 at night and will resume at 5 in the morning.

Also the licenses of bars and nightclubs that are operating as restaurants will be suspended.

The capacity of restaurants and religious centers will go from 75 percent to 50 percent.

In a message addressed to the Yucatecan population through social networks, Sauri Vivas recalled that on April 22 the indicators showed that it was appropriate to change to a yellow traffic light, since Yucatan was at the minimum levels of the pandemic, with 60 average cases per day, 18 average daily admissions and 163 occupied beds.

“However, in just one week we passed an average of 117 to 154 daily cases detected, which represents an increase of 32 percent. In hospital admissions we went from 23 to 33 on average per day, which implies a growth of 43 percent; and hospital occupancy increased 59 percent ”, he pointed out.

In relation to the new strain of Covid in Yucatan, the official said that the tests were sent for analysis and are awaiting the result.

Source: yucatanalamano.com

The Yucatan Post