The Morena’s candidate registers 49.2% of votes in her favor.
Lorena Cuéllar Cisneros, from the “Juntos Haremos Historia” coalition (Morena, Partido del Trabajo, Partido Verde and Nueva Alianza), has 49.2 percent of the total votes and is the virtual winner of the election in Tlaxcala.
According to El Financiero, Lorena Cuéllar Cisneros is set to become the 50th governor in the history of the state of Tlaxcala.
“She has a minor advantage but enough to say that this advantage could be confirmed,” said Alejandro Moreno, director of surveys and opinion studies at El Financiero.
This June 6, Tlaxcala elected governor, 60 municipal presidencies, 299 municipal boards / Councilors / Community presidencies, 15 deputations with a relative majority, 10 deputations of proportional representation, 60 receiverships, and 350 councilors.
Source: El Financiero