Mexican Army ready for the 2021 Hurricane Season


With more than three thousand elements available to travel to any part of the country by air or land, 20 medical service cells, immediate installation of 20 community kitchens to serve the population in case of disaster, and a team specialized in search and rescue, the Mexican Army declared itself ready to face the 2021 rainy and tropical cyclone season.

Assistance to the population is provided through the DN-III Plan, which has three phases: prevention with monitoring and issuance of alerts; relief phase, (deployment of operational personnel that is necessary for any part of the country), and the recovery phase, with reconstruction work, so that later the civil authorities take control and so the military can begin to reestablish all services.

In each hurricane season, the Mexican Army trains, monitors, and issues alert calls to act in the event of an emergency.

The capacity of the armed forces is capable to immediately deploy three thousand elements to places that have been affected by hydrometeorological phenomena (hurricanes, floods, cyclones, earthquakes, among others), as well as the immediate installation of 20 community kitchens to provide food. , and implement dry, warm, and safe shelters; as well as moving 20 cells of medical services and attending to people at risk.

The forecast of the National Meteorological Service for 2021, is of 22 phenomena in the Pacific and 24 in the Atlantic, “but we hope that it will be exceeded like last year, since we had nine more and one category five.


Mexico Daily Post