Mazatlan musicians receive a lifeline


Demand for their services increased by up to 80%

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- As the port’s beaches remain open and allow locals and tourists access during Holy Week, one of the unions that benefited the most was the music sector, since Mazatlan and foreigners requested the services of bands and Northern groups to set the mood for your vacation.

Fondo de Emergencia para Músicos de Mazatlán - Sociedad de la Guitarra  Mazatlán, A.C.

Marco Antonio Gorda Obeso, union leader, pointed out that during the vacation period there was a lot of demand for work even for foreign musicians.

“Fortunately, the beaches could be opened, for us, it was very good because in that way there was a lot of work for the local colleagues and colleagues who came from another part of the Republic. We feel happy because there was a lot of demand from people in hiring the band music, mariachi, norteña and some singers who worked individually with a speaker, “he said.

He said that although it is not possible to speak of a 100% demand, because not everyone works in the ” güipa “, as it is colloquially called when they go out to the streets to look for clients to delight them with their music, for those who work in this way yes there was 80% work.

” On Mother’s Day it also rebounded a lot, many colleagues brought Mañanitas, they gave events in the houses, many rooms, with the proper measures of healthy distance, fortunately there was a lot of work,” he added.

In the union led by Gordoa Obeso there are currently 250 unionized musicians from different musical genres and groups as well as soloists.

” More than anything, we always as a union what we seek is the certainty that we can work calmly, as long as we also respect the regulations, ” he added.


The Mazatlan Post