Over 30,000 San Cristóbal de las Casas residents without water


Unionized workers of the Municipal Potable Water and Sewerage System suspended pumping as if to demand a 7% salary increase, hiring of new positions, provision of uniforms and medicines, among other demands

Labor protest leaves sectors of San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas without water
Photo: Facebook @SAPAMSanCristobalDeLasCasas

Chiapas.- Over 30 thousand users of the Municipal Potable Water and Sewerage System (SAPM) of San Cristóbal de las Casas were left without the supply of the liquid because unionized workers who demand salary improvements suspended the pumping, reported the director of that organization local, Jesús Carmona de la Torre.

The municipal official said that SAPM workers are demanding, among other demands, a 7% salary increase, hiring of new places, provision of uniforms and medicines.

In advance, he said, the municipal president Jerónima Toledo Villalobos warned the union members that there will be no negotiations as long as they do not resume the distribution of water to the population, because of the interruption of the service is illegal, “since there is no notification whatsoever.”

The workers had interrupted Tuesday the pumping of water in La Almolonga El Peje de Oro and the Santa María well, and caused shortages in various areas, including the center of that city in the highlands of Chiapas.

Carmona de la Torre added that the Municipal Potable Water and Sewerage System has “an insufficiency” of 41 million pesos for debts from past administrations of the operating system, awards won by workers, debts to the SAT from past administrations.

Debts to the State Treasury and credits to the National Water Commission (Conagua) are added, so complying with the 7 percent salary increase, and meeting the demands of the workers would cause a shortfall of more than 47 million pesos, he argued.

The municipal official commented that the income from June to September of this year is calculated at 12 million 600 thousand pesos, with which it is intended to cover fixed expenses that total 17 million pesos, and are distributed in payment of electricity, payroll, chlorine, maintenance of pumping equipment, taxes to SAT, State Treasury and water concessions to Conagua.

He even stated that the board of directors of the water union costs the operating body one million 500 thousand pesos per year, likewise, they were given a support that represented 193 thousand 200 pesos per year, which by agreement of the Governing Board they stopped receiving since July last year for the benefit of the operational part of SAPAM.

The business owners of the walkways of the Center have had to hire the service of water pipes, where they have to pay a cost of between 400 and 600 pesos for about 3,500 liters of the vital liquid.

Source: jornada.com.mx, elheraldodechiapas.com.mx, eluniversal.com.mx

San Cristobal Post