Did you know that chili peppers change their name when they go from fresh to dry?


In Mexico there are about 50 species of chili peppers . Did you know that their names change when they go from fresh to dry? 

This is how the varieties most used in national cuisine are transformed:

From Jalapeño to Chipotle

When this chili is young and green, it is called jalapeño or cuaresmeño. They nicknamed him Lent, because there were places where this chili only arrived during Lent times. When it dries, it becomes chipotle. It is one of the most cultivated and consumed chili peppers in the country. Figures indicate that 60% of its production is used for pickles and canning, 20% is consumed fresh when it can still be called jalapeño. And the rest is used to dry and turn into chipotle.

jalapeño chili chipotle

From Poblano chili to Ancho chili

Another of the most consumed chili peppers in Mexican cuisine is the poblano pepper, as its name says, it is originally from Puebla. It is used to make one of the most typical dishes of the region: chili stuffed with nogada sauce and pomegranate. It is also used for creamy slices or for the Aztec cake. When it dries, this chili is called an ancho or mulato chili, because of the color it takes. In this state it is no longer the star of the dish, rather it is used for sauces and many varieties of mole, since its heat is light but present.

poblano chili to ancho chili

From Mirasol to Guajillo 

The Guajillo chili is highly valued in the kitchen, but not many know its fresh version, which is called mirasol. Also known as miracielo, because when this chili grows, it takes a vertical position, “as if it were looking at the sky.” It goes from a green tone to an intense and bright red. However, its greatest use is when it dries and turns into a guajillo. A favorite for marinades and sauces for its color, aroma, and flavor. 

mirasol chili to guajillo chili

From Chilaca to Pasilla

In Michoacán, the Chilaca pepper is one of the most important chili peppers, as it is used in various dishes in the region. They say “chili to shred” because it is common to “shred” and make pickled slices. When it dries, it takes on very dark tones and is much more intense in flavor. It is when they call it pasilla, it is widely used in states such as Oaxaca, Jalisco, and Nayarit. Another essential chili for moles.

fresh to dry chili peppers

From the Chili bola to the Cascabel

The chile bola, as its name says, is small and round. This chili is widely used in the center of the country especially for a dish called texmole or tesmole. The latter is similar to a mole de olla; It is broth, with vegetables, condiments and of course, the chile bola. Sometimes he also carries chochoyotes, balls made with corn. When the chile bola dries, they call it a cascabel because its seeds harden, and when moved it sounds like the instrument of sound. 

chili ball to rattlesnake

Benefits of consuming chili

The chili brings benefits to the human being. Fresh chili peppers contain a high level of vitamin C. And dried ones have a good vitamin A content. Chili peppers have also been proven to be good for the skin and prevent hair loss, which is why so many beauty products add it as a principal ingredient. Anti-inflammatory, healing, and, if that were not enough, when you pack, your body releases endorphins, the pleasure hormone. With a whole range of flavors, textures, aromas, and colors, chili is undoubtedly one of the most important and valuable Mexican products.

Source: gourmetdemexico.com.mx

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