Chiapas road blockades finally end after 30 days


A series of meetings was held between both parties that finally contributed to the resolution of their differences.

Oxchuc City Council authorities and members of the communities and divided neighborhoods of that municipality reached agreements that put an end to the conflict for several weeks affected vehicular traffic in that area.

Through various service tables coordinated by officials of the General Secretariat of the Government, a series of meetings were held between both parties that ultimately contributed to the resolution of their differences.

During the meeting held on Wednesday in the diocese of San Cristóbal de las Casas, the situation of the cooperators-beneficiaries of seven fractionated communities and neighborhoods was reviewed, prior to scheduling, the delivery dates of the social benefit support that the protesters requested.

Once the agreement was reached, the group of people who kept the Oxchuc-Ocosingo road section blocked promised to withdraw, with the help of Civil Protection, the barricade that had been placed on the road to restoring free passage early this Thursday of vehicles; 

They also agreed on the rehabilitation of the fiber optic for the reconnection of the telephone service and the internet.

Mapa de Ocosingo - San Cristóbal de las Cases, Chiapas

Both parties expressed their willingness to initiate the reconciliation process in each of the communities that are currently divided in order to achieve social peace, harmony and governance in that municipality.

The General Secretariat of Government recognized the will of both parties to solve this conflict that affected the commercial development of the region, reiterated the commitment to maintain an open and close dialogue with the different social groups in the state.

Bloqueo y boteo en la carretera a Ocosingo

They release blockade in Óxchuc, it was a month of total and partial closure

San Cristóbal de Las Casas.- It was after 12:30 hours that the traffic of the San Cristóbal-Ocosingo highway was restored, after almost 15 days, inhabitants of the municipality of Oxchuc installed two blockades, one in the El Muro community and another at Buenavista, a total blockade since last April 14, in addition to the blockades-boats since the beginning of April.

They were elements of Civil Protection of Oxchuc, who removed trees, stones and others, which were fully maintained since last 14 and partially since the beginning of February, but thanks to the intervention of the Government Secretariat, it was concluded this Thursday .

During the day it was learned that the telephone signal that affects Ocosingo, Yajalón, Altamirano, Tila, Tumbalá, Chilón, among others, will be installed, since poles were knocked down, as a pressure.

According to a statement from the Government Secretariat, Oxchuc City Council authorities and members of the communities and divided neighborhoods of Oxchuc reached agreements that end the conflict that for several days affected vehicular traffic in that area.

Through various service tables coordinated by officials of the General Secretariat of the Government, a series of meetings were held between both parties that ultimately contributed to the resolution of their differences.

During the meeting held last Wednesday in the diocese of San Cristóbal de Las Casas, which ended after 10:30 at night, the situation of the cooperators-beneficiaries of seven fractionated communities and neighborhoods was reviewed, it was agreed prior to a scheduling, the delivery dates of the social benefit supports that the protesters requested.

Once the agreement was reached, the group of people who kept the Oxchuc-Ocosingo road section blocked promised to remove, with the help of Civil Protection, the barricade that they had placed on the road to reestablish free passage early this Thursday. of vehicles; They also agreed on the rehabilitation of the fiber optic for the reconnection of the telephone service and the internet.

Sigue el bloqueo en el tramo Ocosingo-San Cristóbal, por habitantes de  Oxchuc - Ensalada de Grillos

Both parties expressed their willingness to initiate the reconciliation process in each of the communities that are currently divided in order to achieve social peace, harmony, and governance in that municipality.

The General Secretariat of Government recognized the will of both parties to solve this conflict that affected the commercial development of the region, reiterated the commitment to maintain an open and close dialogue with the different social groups in the state.


San Cristobal Post