Guanajuato takes Campeche as an example to return to face-to-face classes

The entity has the possibility of returning to the classrooms in May

With a visit to meet with Health and Education authorities and tour the school institutions that have already returned to face-to-face classes, Jorge Enrique Hernández Meza, Secretary of Education of Guanajuato, visited Campeche to investigate and observe strategies that the state took to return to classes. face-to-face.

The official said that “Campeche is an example at the national level at this time, its strategies allowed to return to face-to-face classes in some areas and must be replicated throughout the country for the new normal to work, but also to give the possibility to other methods of learning, with the possibility of improving the educational, social and technological infrastructure of the entities ”, he specified.

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He mentioned that they have the possibility that in May they can return to face-to-face classes and from the following Monday they will begin with the notifications so that the piloting begins just after Mother’s Day so that it is not in a hurry or pressured, “that’s why the visit to Campeche, to visit schools and talk with state authorities ”.

“The pilot program will be the same, in a phased manner so that parents do not put up resistance in taking the children, time to improve the conditions of the schools and teachers have the time to prepare, that is, we are taking everything that they recommend us in Campeche and the Secretariat of Public Education ”, he asserted.

Pilot of the tiered program of face-to-face classes a success: Seduc

Of a total of 5,972 students considered, only half returned to face-to-face classes on the first day and the other half on the second day, in the 137 schools of the pilot program back to the classroom, everything proceeds normally and according to plan reported the Secretary of Education, Ricardo Koh Cambranis.

The state official added that so far everything has gone well in the schools that are already receiving students and that the number of participating schools could be increased shortly since they have shown great interest on the part of parents who are aware of their children and their development at school, even taking a first check-up before leaving home.


Campeche Post