Jalisco reaches green, Nayarit returns to yellow covid lights


The state of Jalisco turns green for low risk, at the epidemic alert traffic light for Covid-19; while Nayarit returns to the yellow color of moderate-risk,

Four states go back to a yellow light; there are 27,615 positive cases

Jalisco and Guanajuato join Coahuila, Veracruz, Chiapas and Campeche among the states that will remain on a green traffic light.

Four states went back from green to yellow traffic light in the last 15 days, reported the Ministry of Health. These entities are: Nuevo León, Tamaulipas, Nayarit and Oaxaca.

According to the current traffic light from April 26 to May 9, announced during the evening press conference of the Ministry of Health , six entities will be in green, 20 will be yellow and six will be orange.

On the other hand, the number of deaths confirmed by Covid-19 reaches 214 thousand 504 deaths, according to the most recent report from the Ministry of Health

Of the 16 million 214 thousand 484 vaccines that have been applied, since the beginning of the campaign, 5 million 646 thousand 105 correspond to complete schedules.

Health authorities registered  349 more deaths from COVID-19, for a total of 214,853 deaths confirmed by the disease.

They also confirmed 3 thousand 308 more cases, so the country accumulates 2 million 326 thousand 738 people who have fallen ill from the virus, since the beginning of the epidemic.

It is considered that 26,890 (1%) are active cases of COVID, due to presenting symptoms in the last 14 days.

Mexico Daily Post