More and more businesses closing down in Quintana Roo due to insecurity


Cancun, Quintana Roo, April 23, 2021, (SIPSE).- Insecurity continues to be one of the main enemies of business, especially in places like Cancun, where this week, Clínica Sobrino, a medical center with more than 30 years of operating in this city, confirmed the closure of its doors because of the insecurity.

“More than 30 years ago a dream began in this city that today we let go; Sobrino Clinic regrets to inform its patients that it will be temporarily closed for security reasons. Many businesses along the way have had to close. We have seen the sad reality of what our Cancun has become, ” they reported on his social media.

On April 24, some users call for a demonstration and sit-in to demand that the authorities fulfill their responsibility to guarantee security, to prevent more businesses from lowering their curtains.

Just this week, the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), revealed that 86.1 percent of Cancunenses feel unsafe in their city, meanwhile, telephone extortion attempts in Quintana Roo increased by 13.58%, during the first quarter of 2021, according to official figures.

Statistics from the Ministry of Public Security (SSP) reveal that in the first three months of this year, 577 attempts of telephone extortion were registered, which represented 69 more events than the 508 reported in 2020, mainly to merchants.

Joaquín Ismael Noh Mayo, president of the Union of Owners of Restaurants, Bars and Similar (Uprobars) of Quintana Roo, pointed out that businessmen are prey to extortion calls, given the inoperativeness of the alleged Cyber ​​Police Unit that exists in the entity.

” Sometimes we have received up to five extortion calls a day, sometimes from the same telephone number or from others, and unfortunately, we do not always report them to the public security authorities, because most of the time they are cases and lost time.”

For the interviewee, it is necessary that the public security and law enforcement agencies really give results, that the criminals be identified, detained, and made to pay according to the law on the matter.

The Cyber ​​Police Unit of Quintana Roo has alerted the public of at least 30 telephone numbers, considered cyber threats when trying to extort or commit fraud to those who answer the phone call.

The database of the State Anonymous Complaints System (SEDA) 089 reveals that the most reported telephone extortion is the threat of harm, payment of protection, kidnapped family member, and supposed family member or acquaintance.

The municipalities with the highest number of attempted telephone extortion during the first three months of 2021 are Benito Juárez, Solidaridad, and Othón P. Blanco; the first municipal demarcation exceeded 200 calls and the other two were over 100 attempts.

In addition to attempted extortion by telephone, SEDA 089 registered a significant number of anonymous calls for cybercrimes, drug sales, harassment, and telephone threats; adding up to more than eight thousand calls received at this emergency number.

Source: SIPSE

The Cancun Post