Los Machetes Tampico now accepts bitcoin as payment


ICTs have surpassed us

New technologies and human needs require constant updates, and payments are no exception. That is why Los Machetes of Tampico is one of the Mexican restaurants that operate payments with the famous and revolutionary currency: bitcoin.


Garnachero payment in each of blocks

Bitcoin is a virtual currency or an electronic means of exchange that is used to acquire products and services like any other currency (such as the peso, dollar, or euro) and consists of a cryptographic key that is associated with a virtual wallet, which discounts and receives payments.

Machetes: bridging the technology gap

The machetes of Tampico announced at the end of February that payments can be made with the famous currency through the Bitso system, which will be done by scanning a QR code that the same restaurant will provide when requesting the account.

Located in Rosalio Bustamante Esquina Prolongación Francita # 190 Local 7, Col Petrolera Oriente, Tampico, 

you can order delicious machetes from chicharrón, steak, picadillo, chori cheese, mushrooms, beans with chorizo, chicken stew, etc. And the sizes are from 30 to 50 centimeters long.

May be an image of food and text that says '4 años!! Muchas Gracias!! ACHETES 7 HETES'

We hope that on your next visit to Tampico you can taste some delicious machetes and pay with this coin. We also recommend you watch the following video when we ate in an epic machetes battle with Ricardo O’Farrill.

Source: larutadelagarnacha.mx

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