#JusticiaParaRodolfo: Durango citizens will march to demand justice for a murdered puppy


After the case of the dog “Rodolfo Corazón”, who was killed with machetes in Los Mochis, Sinaloa, went viral, people from Durango organized a demonstration to demand justice

After the case of a homeless puppy baptized as ” Rodolfo Corazón ” was made known through social networks, a subject murdered him with a machete in Los Mochis, Sinaloa, inhabitants of various states of the Republic have been manifested to demand justice.

In the city of Durango, there will also be a march, organized by a group of citizens and animal activists, which will take place this Friday, April 23 at 5:00 p.m., with the aim of exerting pressure so that the authorities of Los Mochis act on it.

Attendees may attend the march with their pets, it will begin outside the Hotel Gobernador and will end in the Plaza de Armas of the city of Durango.


Remember that the case of Rodolfo Corazón went viral after a video began to circulate in which a man with an ax is observed murdering the puppy, above, according to the subject, this occurred because the animal attacked his girlfriend.

Through Twitter, a user identified as Luz reported that Rodolfo, who was well known in the Cedros de Los Mochis neighborhood, was a “playful” dog that the neighbors fed.

For its part, the subject’s girlfriend showed photographs of the alleged injuries caused by Rodolfo to try to excuse the alleged culprit, also requested that the media lynching against her partner and she stop.


Mention that the case is already being investigated by the Sinaloa State Attorney General’s Office (FGE). However, last Sunday rescuers, animal protectors, and citizens of Los Mochis, demonstrated at the Monument to the Mexican Revolution to demand justice.

The protesters requested that the Animal Protection Law be applied against the man who murdered Rodolfo, who, as has been reported, attacked the puppy while he was sleeping on public roads.

They seek to impose greater punishments for animal abuse in Durango

In terms of animal protection, work is currently underway on modifications and a new environmental regulation in the municipality of Durango, which would include awareness among citizens that animals are sentient beings and also the promotion of greater punishments for those who violate abuse. animal, this was announced by the councilor Gabriela Vázquez Chacón.

This work is carried out in conjunction with animal associations, precisely to promote a better treatment, protection and welfare of animals.

Source: elsoldedurango.com.mx

The Durango Post