Do you have foreign coins or bills? In Mazatlán you can exchange them for pesos


From US dollars to Canadian dollars, Mexican pesos, and even euros, exchange houses in Mazatlán have extensive currency options

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- Being a port with high visits from foreign tourists, exchange centers are essential to streamline local trade, however, as they are also required by the citizens themselves, some of them do not know what is needed for go to one of these sites.

Because the ‘Golden Zone’ that includes Camarón Sábalo avenue, is one of the most concentrated tourist activities, exchange centers are more frequent and can be found almost everywhere, most of them characterized by illuminated signs that indicate the exchange rate of the day.

From US dollars to Canadian dollars, Mexican pesos, and even euros, exchange houses in Mazatlán have extensive currency options, and according to some of these, all types of international currency can be accepted, although they are not common, since in the International banks can do the transactions.

Likewise, national banks have currency exchange options, however, their cost becomes higher in the sale and cheaper in the purchase, in addition to the fact that only transactions can be made with the same beneficiaries. As for department stores such as Elektra or Coppel, currency exchange is also possible as long as you have an ID at hand.


The Mazatlan Post