AMLO’s policy puts migrants at risk on Mexico’s borders say, experts


The violation of human rights on the southern border of Mexico could increase due to the militarization of the area, the lack of training of security elements, and the increase in the migratory flow

Specialists agreed that the violation of human rights on the southern border of Mexico could continue to increase due to the policy of Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), who has left this issue in the hands of the military. 

For Daniel Gómez Tagle, a specialist in Use of Force and Human Rights, there is a lack of training for the security elements to take charge of this problem in the country. 

Eduardo González Velázquez, professor of International Relations at Tecnológico de Monterrey, stressed that the crisis is the result of factors such as militarization and is also due to pressure from the United States for Mexico and Guatemala to stop migrants.

They see more risk of abuse with immigration policy

The violation of human rights on the southern border of Mexico could increase due to the militarization of the area, the lack of training of security elements and the increase in the migratory flow, specialists on the subject agreed.

After the murder of the Salvadoran Victoria Salazar at the hands of Tulum municipal police and the shooting death of the Guatemalan Elvin Mazariegos at the hands of the Army in the municipality of Motozintla, Chiapas, Daniel Gómez Tagle, an expert in the Use of Force and Human Rights, He warned that there is a lack of training for the security elements to attend to migration issues. In addition to the fact that the police have no guarantee of respect for their rights.

“Yes, there is more risk, because the Army is not trained for these tasks and does not comply with the legal framework that includes immigration regulation. There is a lack of knowledge of public security functions and that will increase the risks, ”he said.

Protesters in Guadalajara claim for the death of Salvadoran refugee Victoria Salazar. THE INFORMER / F. Attilano

Gómez Tagle highlighted the deficiencies in the National Law on the Use of Force. He considered that on the issue of civil demonstrations, it does not allow a protocol and compromises the safety of civilians and law enforcement officials.

Eduardo González Velázquez, professor of International Relations at Tecnológico de Monterrey, explained that the crisis is the result of factors such as militarization and the pressure exerted by the United States for Mexico and Guatemala to stop Central American migrants.

“The criminalization of migrants is becoming more acute and results in very high levels of violence. The violation of the human rights of migrants is committed by elements of the National Guard and the Army, but also by municipal and state police or immigration agents. The abuses have happened before, only that from time to time there is a media case that attracts attention, “he said.


Mexico Daily Post