Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- Faced with the removal of the fences in the Sunday market at the Juárez neighborhood of the city of Mazatlán, the influx of people increased. However, some did not use the mask or respect the healthy distance.
The implementation of fences in the tianguis was carried out during the beginning of the pandemic. With the aim of having a control of people inside the place of sale, in addition to having a strict sanitary protocol.
In a tour of the place, it was observed that people walking through all the entrances, people of all ages, even children and elderly adults. The merchants revealed that although the number of attendees increased, sales have not rebounded as they expected.
Some tenants have not been able to recover from the crisis caused by the Covid-19 health contingency. There are even merchants who continue to pay for credits they took out to stock their merchandise last Christmas.
The municipal coordination of civil protection ordered the removal of the fences in the Sunday markets of the city to facilitate the operation between customers and merchants, this after this municipality has shown a controlled scenario during the pandemic.
Source: Debate