Just as it happened in Venezuela, AMLO in Mexico is limiting freedoms for citizens


Instructions to lead Mexico to socialism in 10 steps

Mexico is experiencing profound structural changes, such as have not been seen in decades. The arrival of AMLO to the presidency of the Republic has represented changes in all areas, and whose main objective is the hyper concentration of power in the person of the president. Not good for democracy and its system of checks and balances.

Democracy is really playing its last game today, before the elections on June 6 provide AMLO with the majority he needs in the Chamber of Deputies, in state congresses, in city halls, and in governorships, to take over. total control of the country, lead it to socialism and perpetuate itself in power.

Just as it happened in Venezuela, in Mexico a very clear script is followed that cuts freedoms for citizens, critics of the government, civil authorities, the free press, opposition parties, and businessmen.

But how did AMLO do this in just 2 years? What strategies did you use? Here we do a review of the script followed by the so-called Fourth Transformation.

  • Militarization.

The Mexican Army has been invited to participate in more than twenty activities that do not correspond to it. The Mexican Constitution in its article 129 indicates that in times of peace no military authority should exercise functions that do not maintain a relationship with military discipline.

But today the Army is building the new airport in Santa Lucía, State of Mexico; builds 2,700 branches of the Banco del Bienestar, supports the remodeling of hospitals. In addition, it controls customs and ports, contributes to the tree planting program, and provides support for the contingency plan against Covid-19.

It also distributes medicines, medical equipment, and even textbooks.

He even went to rescue the tyrant Evo Morales from the Bolivian justice in November 2019, by military plane.

And if that wasn’t enough, he transported the ashes of the famous singer José José from Miami to Mexico. Also, the Army is participating in vaccination.

All these spaces are not given to the armed forces without a government strategy. It is about having the soldiers on their side politically, to intimidate the opposition, dissuade it from any attempted uprising, and above all, to keep the olive green bubble happy, which now participates in so many businesses.

The militarization of everyday life heralds the end of democracy. An open and genuinely democratic regime, on the contrary, opens spaces to citizens, to civilians. But in Mexico, Morena goes the other way around. Military control is essential to limit freedoms and threaten critics.

  • Destruction of autonomous bodies.

AMLO has suggested, as of June 2020, the intention of closing about 100 autonomous organizations, because according to his accounts it is very expensive to maintain them, and his cabinet, through the secretariats, could absorb all the functions that these organizations operate today.

To pretend that the federal government itself is the one that performs the functions of autonomous bodies is absurd. They were created to evaluate the government, to prevent injustices, abuses, to be a counterweight to power.

And also, to give an opinion, to put padlocks, to withdraw the influence of the government and that it does not act as judge and party, as it has done in the elections.

That is why it is very worrying that the National Electoral Institute (INE) is constantly intimidated and pressured by the government. When the INE is manned, we will totally say goodbye to democracy in Mexico.

The Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) and the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI) are also at risk.

  • End of separation of powers

The Morena fraction is the majority in the current Chamber of Deputies. And to this is added that it has satellite games. They all bow to the presidential will, and they do not change “not a comma” to presidential proposals. This hurts democracy, which is transformed into autocracy.

Hence, for the elections on June 6, Morena does everything possible to maintain the majority, since the main bet of the united opposition is to take away this strategic advantage from the “fourth transformation.”

The Judicial Power, for its part, has also had, unfortunately, overtones of surrender to the Executive. Although it is still the hope to preserve democracy.

  • Voter welfare

The Morena government does not bet on winning the elections with reasons. Not even with emotions. That is not necessary when you have a fat checkbook and you are only interested in looking good with the poorest people, with those of the popular class who are your electoral base.

For this reason, the government has raised its electoral success in the delivery of support through 17 social programs, to which a total of 323,000 million pesos are allocated per year, about 16,150,000,000 dollars.

Support is given to young people who neither study nor work, known as “ninis”, for example. 3600 pesos per month. But, yes, scholarships for university students, who often also work, are reduced to 2,400 pesos. The government rewards those who do nothing, more than those who make an effort.

Por la violencia, se dispara cifra de 'ninis' en México

And there is also support for the elderly and peasants to plant trees, which has been criticized because rather it encourages the felling of them, in order to later be able to collect support by planting again.

  • “Servants” of the Nation.

Those who deliver the money for the programs into the hands of the beneficiaries are known as “servants of the Nation”, or “servants” of the Nation. It is an entire army of 21,300 people, spread out and operating throughout Mexico, but distributed on an electoral basis, not on the fight against poverty, as it should be.

Therefore, these “servers” are more of Morena, than of the Nation. And they wear vests identical to those that match, which makes it almost impossible to distinguish one from the other. They have already been vaccinated, to facilitate the electoral and propaganda operation that they should not do. And paid for with our taxes.

  • False nationalism

The “nationalism” promoted by the government really is not. This is socialist statism. If it were really nationalism that was driving it, the government would not scare away national companies, private initiatives, for example, from investing in the energy sector.

But what he really seeks is to control this sector, to strip the investor of his interests, and for the state hand to be the only one. That is not nationalism, it is socialism.

Nationalism is to privilege nationals over foreigners, to put Mexico above all else. But here they are confused and put the State above all else, shielded in the narrative of “nationalism”.

It is a false nationalism, which from the outset excludes nationals from productive life, and not only from the energy sector, since the government quite frequently attacks companies that it does not like, for not rowing in the same direction as its “Q4 ”.

  • False energy sovereignty

Sovereignty must be understood in strict terms, as the ability of a country not to import products. To be sovereign is to be self-sufficient, not to have to depend on the foreigner. This is related to autarky. The ability to be self-sufficient.

It is an ideal, a dream, nothing more. No country in the world is autarkic. Even the most developed such as the United States or China import food or energy. Mexico, much more.

That is why the energy reform that the Mexican government seeks is not that it really seeks for the country to be sufficient for itself with the energy it consumes, but rather to exclude foreign companies because they are supposedly there to “loot” natural wealth, as well as of leaving out national companies.

This is by no means acceptable because national sovereignty is not the same as what the government is trying to do, which is to have absolute control of energy production in Mexico. That is not sovereignty, but socialism. Sovereignty, in any case, no one has been able to achieve it in the world.

The electricity reform and the hydrocarbon reform have been two attempts of the Fourth Transformation to gain control of energy, concentrating power in the State.

  • Reform against life, family and religious freedom

Morena’s federal legislators tried to pass 48 constitutional reforms that were widely criticized by the opposition, the Catholic Church, Christians, and non-governmental organizations.

That package was described as a true outrage on the part of progressivism, in favor of abortion, and against the natural family, religious freedom, and private education. This is where Q4 is fully in tune with the progressivism of the Democrats, Biden and Kamala Harris, as well as globalism and its instruments.

  • Attacks on the critical press, opponents and businessmen

Too often, AMLO uses his morning lectures to attack opponents, to reveal private issues, such as his contracts, that are legal even if there are those who do not like them. The critical press suffers a great onslaught in Mexico, by the government. Also, citizen and business leaders.

Once AMLO defends them from his stellar microphone, bot farms complete the job and attack whoever the president has targeted that day. Freedom of expression and human rights at risk. And this increasingly transcends outside of Mexico.

  • Creation of the Latin Americanist Red Axis

AMLO has tried to build strong relationships with presidents of Latin American countries with leftist governments. He does them favors of various kinds and thus is building leadership at the regional level, a new Latin Americanist Red Axis.

Bolivia, Argentina, Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, led by the Latin brother of the North. They operate largely through the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), which among other things seeks the departure of Luis Almagro from the OAS, whom they consider to be opposed to their left-wing ideology.

Another issue is the shelter that China provides to CELAC. The new Latin axis, under the protection of the new world hegemony l, that of the Red Dragon.

Raul Tortolero
Raul Tortolero

Source: panampost.com

Mexico Daily Post