Expat residents await notification for vaccination in Mazatlán


CAPTA has been a link between foreigners in the registration process

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- Given the crowds that register the vaccination centers against Covid-19 for people over 70 years of age, foreigners living in Mazatlán will be notified in due course when they could come to receive their dose, said Astrid Macías Fregoso.

The director of the Tourist Attention Center in Mazatlán recalled that they have been a link with the residents in the port to support them in the registration process of this federal program, but they will wait to receive instructions and expand the vaccination points so that they may come at the time.

” All we are doing is supporting the registration of certain foreigners, and we are already calling them to indicate the points where they will be attended, in the future there will be more points, I cannot specify the information, we are here to waiting for indications to be able to socialize this, ”she said.

Macías Fregoso commented that he does not yet have the precision of when foreign residents could receive the vaccine, and even less than a specific site can be enabled for them since that will not depend on Capta, but on the instruction set by the federal and Health authorities.

” If they were contemplated, but due to the large capacity that was presented, you will see new points that we are waiting to be indicated so as not to have these agglomerations, I do not think that they are specifically for them they will be included within the same civil society, local, but precisely to avoid crowds we will be waiting for a new one ”, she concluded.

The Mazatlan Post