Tlaxcala is one of the 10 states in the country with the largest theft and illicit distribution of LP gas.
The Mexican Association of Liquefied Gas Distributors and Related Companies (AMEXGAS) reported in an official statement that Tlaxcala is one of the 10 states in the country where the greatest theft and illicit distribution of LP gas are concentrated, where up to 25 percent of the consumption of the gas sold comes from illegal sources, either from clandestine outlets, or it is stolen from both PEMEX and authorized distributors.
The instance calculated that the annual losses for Petróleos Mexicanos due to this improper activity are in the order of 30 billion pesos. The statement also indicated that it had a record of 83 thousand clandestine seizures detected in 20 years and 59 percent of these were detected in the last three years.
“The amount of stolen fuel is so large that it would be enough to supply the needs of the demand of the countries of Colombia and Ecuador together, causing property damage to Pemex of more than 30,000 million pesos a year. The theft of LP gas and its illicit distribution are concentrated in the states of Mexico, Mexico City, Veracruz, Puebla Hidalgo, Tlaxcala, Querétaro, Guanajuato, Jalisco and Tamaulipas ”, warned AMEXGAS.
In this sense, the gas sector applauded a request from the Senate of the Republic for the Mexican authorities to coordinate in the fight against the theft of liquefied petroleum gas, through the Senator of the PAN, Indira de Jesús Rosales San Román, who exposed this serious problem that afflicts all Mexicans and that has put families, the economy, employment, investment, and companies legally engaged in the sale and distribution of LP gas at constant risk.