Guerrero tourist destinations reach 46% hotel occupancy at the start of Semana Santa


This Palm Sunday, March 28th, the general hotel occupancy in the destinations that make up the so-called “Triangle of the Sun” in the Mexican state of Guerrero reached 46 percent, reported the state Tourism Secretariat.

Acapulco, Guerrero (Archive)

Statistics indicate that Acapulco reached 46.6 percent, and the occupancy i the different zones is as follows:

  • La Dorada reached 51 percent,
  • Acapulco Diamante 40.5%
  • Nautical or Traditional with 38.4%
State of Guerrero

The Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo beach destination remains at 45.7 percent while, separately, Ixtapa reached 48% and Zihuatanejo 34.6%

The magical town of Taxco de Alarcón achieved 38.7 percent, on the other hand, the occupancy of condominiums by zones in Acapulco reached 34 percent in La Dorada and 32% in Acapulco Diamante.

Regarding the Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo timeshare sector, it reached 21 percent and Acapulco only 11%.

Source: OEM