Sinaloa expects an economic benefit of 700 million pesos for Easter (Semana Santa) holidays


In Mazatlan, access to beaches will be controlled and protocols will continue in hotels and restaurants

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- Mazatlán is ready to receive tourists during the Easter holiday period

Access to beaches will be controlled, as well as the places with the greatest influx of visitors, said Óscar Pérez Barros.

The Secretary of Tourism in Sinaloa stated that an occupancy of 65% is expected in the Mazatlán hotel and an economic spill of 700 million pesos throughout the state.

Access to beaches in Mazatlán will be controlled, as well as the places with the greatest influx of visitors

“It is very daring for me to say that a certain number of tourists will come, but if I can speak of an economic spill in the entire state of 700 million pesos throughout the week, due to the pandemic the decision to travel is last. moment, “he said.

He commented that the health and safety operation will be in charge of the state authorities, since nationally it has been an example of having a summer and Christmas holidays without regrowth.

“The Sinaloans have shown that things have been done well, since they had the best summer in Mexico in the reactivation of tourism, being an example at the national level in the implementation of protocols in the tourism issue, managing to control the pandemic,” he said. .

Pérez Barros added that the pandemic continues, therefore, sanitary protocols are maintained in hotels, restaurants, the airport and all the places that tourists visit.

He stressed that the general occupancy in Mazatlán is 62% and at the state level there is a percentage of 52% and there are very good expectations for Easter and Easter.

“We do not know how the tourist is traveling, but they are positive expectations, but I am sure that working hand in hand, the protocols will be applied so that tourists and locals are safe, prioritizing health, but seeking a balance between the economy and health, “he concluded.


The Mazatlan Post