Riviera Nayarit goes for the LGBT market with high purchasing power


The Riviera Nayarit is seeking to strengthen the position of this destination in the Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender-Queer-Intersex segment since the tourism that travels to this place is different from that of Puerto Vallarta and they tend to be couples over 40 years and stay in luxury hotels.

So this segment is not looking for the big party as it finds them in other tourist destinations, reported Marc Murphy, general director of the Riviera Nayarit Convention and Visitors Bureau. 

“Actually in past years, for this segment, we have not made great efforts to promote tourism, beyond invitations from specialized media to the destination to get to know it, they return and write articles that are oriented to this market. But this year we are entering a little more aggressive and it is going into a further stage, which includes tours to certain fairs that are aimed at this segment ”. 

He indicated that the LGBT market with greater purchasing power is being sought since couples have no one to spend on since they do not have children, except themselves. So they pay very high rates in luxury hotels in the Riviera Nayarit of up to 25 thousand pesos a night. 

“Yes there is such a market, we see it with great potential for the next few years and we are going to move forward with a very different promotion to beach destinations that focus on parties.” 

On the other hand, he commented that egalitarian weddings are held in the Riviera Nayarit, but they are few and are not disclosed, sometimes small boutique hotels are rented completely to have privacy in their ceremonies.

It should be noted that the openness that has been given in recent years to the LGBT + community has been decisive for the development of a tourist offer; The companies open to that community are in great demand since these tourists look for places where they can live exciting experiences, which also have an active nightlife, great gastronomic offer, and cultural attractions.

Likewise, since 2015 a window of opportunity was opened with the legalization of egalitarian weddings in the state of Nayarit, which little by little has allowed the positioning of the segment, as well as its niches.

Source: tribunadelabahia.com.mx

The Nayarit Post