In January, Venezuelan migrants multiply in Mexico


12,192 people arrive in the first month, almost four times more than in 2020; greater flow is to migrate to the country or as a bridge to go to the US: expert

Mexican companies and the restrictive policies applied by Donald Trump as president of the American Union. However, on his last day in office, the magnate suspended the deportations of Venezuelans for 18 months and allowed them to find employment in the United States, after recognizing that in that country it is experiencing “the worst humanitarian crisis in the Western Hemisphere in recent history.”

In an interview with EL UNIVERSAL, Rivero explains that possibly the arrival of Joe Biden in the White House is giving hope to Venezuelans, although he says that if they request asylum in Mexico, they will no longer be granted this right in the United States.

Los caminantes venezolanos vuelven a migrar | Internacional | EL PAÍS

In Sin Fronteras, they have recently detected a greater number of requests for support from Venezuelans, who are stranded in the country’s air terminals, mainly in Mexico City and Cancun. They are crammed into rooms or in immigration stations, like Las Agujas in Iztapalapa.

It also reads: Last EU ambassador leaves Venezuela after being expelled by Maduro “They arrive with a hotel ticket and their objective is to stay, but they are poorly advised, they lie in migration saying that they come from tourism and do not request asylum from the beginning, because are afraid to say that they want to stay or are unaware that they have this benefit of international protection. ”

Given this, they are extorted at airports by immigration agents and also by lawyers who promise to pass them to Mexico with a work visa, which ends up being counterproductive, since a Migration alert and they do not let them pass, ”explains Rivero. He adds that several Venezuelans come to the country for job offers, but end up being victims of crimes such as human trafficking. They settle in Mexico’s territory.

Mexico reported 550 thousand migrants between 2015 and last year, 79 thousand entered to look for work and 50 thousand for a change or job offer, the majority of which came from Venezuela, according to the Inegi Population and Housing Census 2020.

By being classified as people who suffer generalized violence, almost all Venezuelans who request asylum in Mexico receive the right. Between 2013 and 2020, 13,411 were positively recognized, out of 13,681 cases resolved,


Mexico Daily Post