Tlaxcala to strongly promote Tourism now the Covid-19 traffic light is in yellow


The State Secretary of Tourism Anabel Alvarado Varela declared that, once Tlaxcala turned yellow at the Covid-19 epidemiological traffic light, the state rapidly registered a rebound of 11 percent in the influx of visitors, which will allow the start of the recovery of this important sector.

The coronavirus pandemic generated a 60 percent drop in the tourism industry in the state in 2020 compared to 2019, so he trusted that once the traffic light was updated, it would allow growth similar to that registered in December, with the coming holiday period of Semana Santa and Easter Week.

She stressed that service providers and all tourism areas are ready to receive specific health protocols that allow the protection of visitors.

“It should be noted that the global economic loss in the sector due to Covid-19 exceeds 500 billion dollars, while in Tlaxcala, the suspension of the firefly season, meant a loss of 50 million pesos for the state economy” she exposed.

“It should be noted that the global economic loss in the sector due to Covid-19 exceeds 500 billion dollars, while in Tlaxcala just the suspension of the firefly season meant that 50 million pesos did not enter the state” Alvarado Varela exposed.

SECTUR Tlaxcala

This coupled with the cancellation of the fair in Tlaxcala and Huamantla, which resulted in considerable losses.

However, he mentioned that now with the yellow traffic light, they expect to have a rebound of at least 11%, a figure similar to that which occurred in the last days of December, where there was a small positive variation.


Tlaxcala Post